Summary: | The study examined the impact of the New Public Management Paradigm on the operation of Federal establishments in Borno State, Nigeria.To achieve this objective, the collected data were analysed using Chi-square, Correlation and ANOVA.The study revealed that there is a significant improvement in the performance of the staff and the quality of service delivery in the Federal establishments under study.The study concluded that the outsourcing of services has improved the quality of service delivery.However, the policy was not being properly implemented because in some of the Federal establishments under study, the same services outsourced were being carried out by very few retained staff.They were not enough to do the job and the outsource firms given the contract, did not provide enough qualified staff to augment the short-fall.The study recommended that qualified service providers (outsourcing firms) in the relevant cadres be allowed to do the job or as an alternative, the Federal government can encourage the setting up of Independent Units in all its establishments to compete with the outsourcing firms in carrying out outsourcing services at a fee, in order to attain quality service delivery.