Summary: | Over the past two decades, several issues have been raised on employee engagement with regards to contemporary human resource that describes employee engagement as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind.Employee engagement can be further characterized into vigour, dedication and absorption at workplace.However, some of the
problems that decline due to high turnover and related issues arise in organization such as low loyalty, hopping to another organization and high absenteeism.Thus in this research work, it is proposed to investigate the factors that influence employee engagement at Westport Malaysia Sdn Bhd. This correlational study was carried out based on the structured questionnaire circulated to employees who work in various departments.The questionnaires represent the employee engagement as dependent variable and transformational style as independent variable.Initially, a pilot study has been conducted through reliability test and obtained excellent result.Hence, in the further analysis, methodology through statistical analysis is proposed to evaluate the obtained variables.