Summary: | Migrant trafficking is a trans-border crime which yields enormous amount of profit. Migrants who enter a country through this method are classified as illegal immigrants.Thus, security border of a country needs to be continuously enhanced and improved to prevent the occurrence of human trafficking.Hence, this article discusses about migrant trafficking activities in the Northern Region of Peninsular Malaysia. Issues discussed include countries and borders that involved in the trafficking, types of transportation used, charges paid to the syndicates, parties involved in the process and the tactics of trafficking. The data of this study are taken from fifty five illegal immigrants who are being detained at the Depoh Tahanan Belantik, Kedah and those who settled in several districts in the Northern part of the Peninsular Malaysia.Relevant authorities like Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM), Malaysia Immigration Department and Border Ranjer Regiment, are being interviewed. Findings reveal that the activities of migrant trafficking are occurring in the Northern Region of the Peninsular Malaysia.The authorities are continuously improvised the monitoring methods to curtail the trafficking however, the syndicates are often ahead of the authorities and getting difficult to be traced.