Summary: | The quality of public services is influenced by the availability of funds.Today, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir is consisted of 170 villages where most of them are poor villages, despite
receiving variety of funding to administer good public services.The objective of this study is
to investigate the influence of the availability of funding on the quality of public services in
the Regency.The methodology used in this study was the official documents.The documents analysis covers four types of funding sources which are the central fund, the provincial fund, the district and village fund in the last 5 years (2008-2012).Data were analyzed of the influence of the availability of public funds with the quality of public service using regression techniques with t test, F test and the coefficient of determination.The availability of funds for
the wellbeing of the people also had an influence on the quality of public services.In order to
further improve the quality of public service, particularly in the Regency of Indragiri Hilir.