Summary: | This study investigates the level of corporate governance compliance among
the board of directors (BOD) of public-listed companies in Malaysia and the
effects to firm’s performance. To analyze the level of corporate governance
compliance among companies, secondary data is used, which are gathered
from the analysis of companies’ annual report taken from a sample of 131
companies represent four industries: (i) consumer products (ii) Industrial
products (iii) trading and services and (iv) plantation in the Main Board of
Bursa Malaysia Security Berhad over the period between 2001 and 2005 were
randomly selected. Throughout, this study uses Regression Analysis to run the
entire dependent (DV): Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and
Net Profit Margin (NPM) and independent variables (IV): Board Meeting
(BM), Board Composition (BC), Board Training (BT) and Board
Remuneration (BR). The result found that most of the company has complied
well with the code of corporate governance in Malaysia. This study also had
found the evidence that there is a relationship between corporate governance
practices with the firm’s performance. Overall, the company with good
corporate governance compliance can maximize the shareholders wealth by maximizing their profitability performance.