Summary: | Internal audit is an important mechanism designed to evaluate organizational internal processes with an objective to improve operational efficiency towards effectiveness. The objective of this study is to review internal audit effectiveness literature and models from the perspective of internal audit required input, process, output, and outcome and further to suggest a model for effective internal audit in tax administration. Internal audit input entails the required human and material resources for internal audit department to perform efficiently, whereas, the process is to make effective utilization of the input to perform the actual task of auditing functions. The output is the result of the process in the way of reporting and recommendation to the
management, while the outcome is how this output is, in impacting useful contribution in improving an organization internally operational performance toward achieving its objectives. The paper analyzed the internal audit models and literature and thereby provides a constructive criticism by highlighting the need for integrating the models
and proposing a model that can improve the internal audit functions in tax organization. Finally, the paper suggests an integrated internal audit model meant to improve internal audit efficiency and effectiveness for effective tax administration and revenue generation in Nigeria.