Summary: | In today’s highly competitive global business environment, organizations are revitalizing their workplace strategies for their long-term survival. Change is vital and innovation is the engine of change. Innovation is the key towards overcoming the challenges posed by the competitive business surroundings.To foster innovative behaviours in employees, organizations need to recognize the importance of leadership traits, which includes innovative role-modelling, intellectual stimulation, providing vision, support, required resources, recognition and feedback, as well as playing a major role in consulting, delegating, rewarding and assigning tasks to employees. Leaders are also responsible to educate their subordinates so that they
have the skills and attitudes necessary for innovation. These skills and attitudes will help the employees to
better adjust to change; able to work in diverse groups; capable of performing with new processes; and produce new or improved products. To sum up, leaders are the key players in initiating the situation for change and cultivating innovative behaviour of their workforce.