Summary: | Prison is a correctional institution to form and correct the behavior of prisoners so as to be in line with the requirements of the norm and also the values of society. A convict is a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court. A person serving a sentence in prison is known as prisoner or inmate undergoing a sentence of imprisonment. While undergoing punishment in prison, convicts also undergoing entrepreneurial
skills training with the hoped that when they have completed their time in prison, they would not return repeated crimes and return to prison. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to review the profiles of convicts and to assess the level of entrepreneurial intention among convicts who have followed conviction entrepreneurial skills training in prison. The samples consist of 300 convicts taken at random from one of the
correctional institution in Malaysia. Data were collected at random using questionnaire instrument and analyzed using a descriptive statistics comprising of mean score, standard deviation, frequency, percentage and ranking. The study found that convicts who have followed the conviction entrepreneurial skills training program while
in the prison have a high level of entrepreneurial intention with a mean score 4.12 and standard deviation 0.561. This study showed that entrepreneurial skills training undergoing by these convicts, and followed by their sentenced conviction while completing their punishment in prison, they have been able to foster a high
level of entrepreneurial intention. Implications of the study showed that convicts that undergoing entrepreneurial skills training have the potential to be shaped up into becoming entrepreneurs. Therefore, a comprehensive entrepreneurial training program, entrepreneurship education and support program should be planned and implemented for convicts to assist and prepare them for their new and potential future business venture. This
can give way to convicts as their willingness to make entrepreneurship as a career option after they get out of jail later.