总结: | Government of Malaysia has enthusiastically supported the implementation of Industrialized Building System (IBS) that was early introduced in 1960’s. IBS is seen capable to ease the problem of delay that has been long haunting Malaysian construction industry. However, the issue of delay still exists even though IBS has been implemented in construction project and it is believed that there are other factors causing delay in IBS project. Thus, this paper aims to identify the factors of delay in IBS construction project through semi-structured interviews. Data on the study variables has been collected through interviews were conducted to explore the real-life construction situation in Malaysia. Factors of delay in IBS construction project are application of casting in-site by client, usage of dry mix cement, not fully implementation IBS method by clients in construction works, changes in design by client, delay in conforming the building design by client, delay in payment from client and delay of materials delivery from supplier. As an overall, results indicated that client-related factors are the most significant contributors in the delay of IBS project. The phenomena of delay in IBS construction project may require serious attention in overcoming the potential of delay factors and enhance the sustainability of IBS implementation in Malaysian construction industry.