Summary: | The purpose of this study is to screen the data of the study and conduct a preliminary analysis on the relationship between personality and intrapreneurial behavior and individual performance of ME middle managers in Nigeria. A sum of 646 questionnaires were distributed to middle managers of medium enterprises in Nigeria. The proportionate stratified sampling method
was used; equally all necessary processes were followed to satisfy the multivariate analysis assumptions. Thus, the missing data assessment, univariate and multivariate outliers and the kurtosis and skewness were checked.Likewise, the internal consistency, convergent validity
and discriminant validity were all tested. The data were arranged in the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 24, and later transferred to PLS version 3 for screening and preliminary analysis respectively. The result shows the data satisfies the multivariate analysis assumptions which indicates the fulfillment of conditions for further multivariate analysis.