Summary: | Waqf (endowment) has been a veritable economic tool in running and sustaining Muslim institutions throughout the Islamic history. Nigeria, a predominantly Muslim country, is blessed with rich philanthropists who spend a lot of their wealth in building Masājid, Madāris, Islamiyyah Schools and other Islamic Institutions. In most cases, these
philanthropists finance the maintenance and activities of such institutions from their personal earnings. Unfortunately, most of these institutions face serious financial crisis whenever the proprietors/sponsors are unable to release funds for the project, either due to financial constraint or death. Consequently, the institutions are hindered from performing their
expected roles in Muslim society. Therefore, this paper examines the Islamic provision of
Waqf and how it can be used to sustain Muslim Institutions, especially the Masjid, in Gombe,
Nigeria. A qualitative approach is adopted for the analysis. Findings reveal that the application of the proceeds of Waqf will go a long way in enhancing proper management of Masjid Institutions in Gombe, Nigeria. The paper concludes that with Waqf, management and development of Muslim institutions can overcome the challenge of running cost. Therefore, it recommends, among others, that Muslim philanthropists in Gombe should emulate their counterparts in other Muslim countries where Waqf provisions are utilized to maximize the
fruits of Sadaqah Jariyah.