Summary: | This paper explores types of accounting choice related to reporting goodwill impairment losses, if any, exercised by Malaysian listed firms after an implementation of IFRS 3. The study is carried out through an in-depth analysis of annual reports for fifteen firms over a number of years. The fifteen firms selected are those that have
goodwill arising from business combinations in December 2006/7, reported goodwill impairment losses in the current year or the future year(s), and the goodwill represents 50% or more of the acquisition price. Results show that of the fifteen firms examined, eight firms appeared to exercise the accounting choice in the form of
opportunistic timing in reporting the impairment losses. The study contributes to the accounting choice literature by providing evidence on the timing of goodwill impairment losses for goodwill that arose from an apparent overpayment made at the time of an acquisition of a subsidiary.