Summary: | Kanban System is nothing new and has been around since the 1980‘s, first introduced to the world by Taichi Ohno, who is credited as the father of the Toyota Production System (Schonberger, 2007). A Kanban system is an information system that assists the company in producing the right product, in the right quantity and at the time it is actually required (Monden, 1981). This article focuses on one part on the Toyota Production System, namely management of suppliers using the Supplier Kanban System. This framework was developed over a period of three years from
2012 to 2014 using the action research approach consisting of core action research project and thesis action research project as proposed by Chad Perry and Ortun Zuber Skeriit (Perry & Zuber-Skerritt, 1992). The study was conducted in APM
AutoelectricsSdn. Bhd‘s (APMAE) warehouse as the unit of analysis (Kock, 2004). The objective of the core action research was to reduce the inventory stored in the warehouse and that of the thesis action research was to develop a framework for the implementation of the Supplier Kanban System. The framework was developed through learning cycles (Coghlan, Rashford, & de Figueiredo, 2015) and reflected during the implementation of the SKS in APMAE.