Summary: | In an organization, employer plays an important responsibility to hire suitable employees who fit with the job and help to achieve the organization objectives. Therefore, employees are also seen as key essential asset of an organization because without them the organization cannot produce goods and services. The word employee means an individual who is hired by the management to manifest their skills, expertise, talent and knowledge according to their job description to
achieve organization objectives. Therefore, employees who have positive thinking, high level of energy and dedicated with their job is the most engaged employee. The concept of engagement has gained popularity from the HRM field evolved from past research as involvement of an employee, being proud and happy with their job and loyal towards their organization. Over the past 20 years
many topic has been raised on employee engagement from many contemporary human resource which has describe employee engagement as an intellectual
involvement and positive work-related state of emotional that motivates them to do their best work (Wayne, Chin, Xingquan & Alyssa, 2017). Generally, engagement is represent by three dimension namely vigour, dedication and
absorption. Vigour refers as high level of energy and mental resilience while working and endure difficulties, dedication refers as courteous and being dedicated to one’s job includes positive thinking and also taking initiatives to solve
a problem at work and absorption refers as feeling of being happy, fully concentrated on the job and being immense in one’s work (Schaufeli, 2002;
Hubpages, 2009; Lockwood, 2007).