Summary: | The purpose of this study was to measure the readiness and to determine the relationship and impact of learner readiness towards particular variables that have studied. Learner readiness consists of 4 sub-dimensions: (1) creativity, (2) innovation, (3) leadership and (4) communication. The subjects of the study are 100 STML student with three different program which is Logistic Management, Operation Management and Multimedia of Technology. In order to collect data, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to obtain descriptive statistics that describe the profile of Ai readiness towards Operation System among STML students. The figure of framework has been created in this study too looked at the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. For the correlation analysis revealed that all the sub-dimensions of readiness correlate significantly with the concept of readiness. In addition, regression analysis was carried out in order to see the impact and relationships of each the sub-dimensions of readiness on Artificial Intelligent. As a result of the regression analysis, it was found out that communication is the most important dimension that influences student readiness towards Artificial Intelligent. The results indicate that leadership is the most important predictor of success. The next two most important predictors of success in distance education were found to be creativity and innovation.