Summary: | The purpose of this study is to identify issues related to software manpower, which became more important in the era of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution in Korea. The results of this study can provide guidelines for those who establish software manpower training policies for solving the software industry’s human resource paradox. As for the research method, the quantitative text network and qualitative analyses from industry experts were used to interpret the results. A total of 14,752 news data mentioning software manpower were extracted, and data pre-processing for the synonyms and negative words were performed. The network was non-directional and consisted of 14,074 words (nodes) and 1,542,383 word combinations (edges). In addition, the network was clustered based on Modularity, and the degree of connection and eigenvector centrality were used to determine the importance of nodes. The analysis of the results showed that the government’s efforts through the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT were vital in creating jobs that fueled software innovation growth, and that software education was actively promoted to develop software talent. This study had the following implications. It was confirmed that software is making a high contribution to the expansion of business opportunities and job creation in the fields of new technology and software convergence technology. To resolve the software manpower supply-demand mismatch, it is necessary to cultivate high-quality software talent and provide mid- to long-term activities to attract competent human resources. In addition, it is necessary to develop and expand programs that link education and recruitment in terms of public-private cooperation along with government-led investment to strengthen national software competitiveness.