Summary: | Malaysia is the home to the world's third largest tropical rain forest behind Amazon and African wild jungle. The furniture industry in Malaysia has become one of the country's most vibrant sources of growth (Focus On Malaysian Furniture - Part 1,2005). Malaysia is the l0th largest world's exporter accounting to 160 countries. Total export in 2008 was RM 8.717 billion (MFPC, 2008). Government through Malaysian Furniture lndustry Council (MFIC) and Malaysian Furniture Promotion Council (MFPC) has maintained its support for the growth of the industry The goal is now to increase the volume of manufacturing and exports. The dependence on timber resources has lessened as the industry has adopted advanced design. Today, additional species and materials such as metal, plastic, aluminium, and rattan are used to make sure wider range of products be offered to make it more competitive (Focus On Malaysia Furniture - Part 1,2005).