Summary: | This study aims to identify problems related to village fund management and find solutions so that
village fund management can be carried out in an accountable manner. The research was conducted in
Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This study uses observation and interview
methods. The results of the study show that the main problem that arises is the lack of knowledge of the
Village Head regarding village financial management based on Permendagri No. 20/2018. This was
coupled with the absence of assistant staff from Bangka Regency to assist in managing village funds.
This research proposes digitization for village fund reporting as a solution. With digitalization, reporting
on village funds will be able to be done quickly and the output of the financial reports will also be more
reliable, accountable and accountable. There are four things to improve village fund management in
Bangka Regency, including: 1. Increase transparency and accountability in village fund management.
2. Increasing community participation in village fund management. 3. Improving the quality of human
resources (HR) involved in managing village funds. 4. Increase the effectiveness of the use of village
funds by strengthening the internal monitoring and control system.