Summary: | The objective of this study is to assess the utilization of technology among micro, small, and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) located in South Bangka. Technological advancements have positively influenced
the financial management of MSMEs in Indonesia, making it easier and more efficient. Several benefits
arise from the integration of technology into MSME financial management. The qualitative method is
employed to conduct this study. The data collected and analyzed in this research are derived from a
sample of 30 MSME participants in South Bangka. The findings reveal that a majority of MSMEs have
incorporated technology in their operations, primarily for sales transactions, while other aspects such
as human resources, accounts payable, inventories, production costs, and miscellaneous expenses
continue to be managed manually. Among the financial technologies widely adopted by MSMEs in
South Bangka, QRIS stands out as the prevailing option. QRIS is easily accessible to the local
population of South Bangka, especially those who possess bank accounts. Its introduction has
significantly contributed to enhanced sales for MSMEs in South Bangka, reflecting the shifting trend
from cash to digital payments within the local community. That technology plays a crucial role in the
financial management of MSMEs in Indonesia. Incorporating technology can significantly enhance the
efficiency, transparency, and profitability of MSME enterprises. Consequently, it is imperative for
MSME entrepreneurs in Indonesia to leverage technology in order to bolster their financial management
processes. The study authors compiled a list of 20 indicators to test their hypotheses. Several pilot
studies were conducted with MSME participants to refine the selection of variables. The survey utilized
a Likert scale ranging from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree," with each point indicating a different
level of agreement. Therefore, it can be concluded that the variables, Technology Utilization and
Financial Management, have a joint impact on Sales Results.