Summary: | Climate change and natural disaster can be factors of vulnerability to a community as the phenomenon has affected many lives especially farmers. Floods that have been happening annually in Kota Bharu, Kelantan has increased the risk of vulnerability as Kota Bharu is known as a flood prone area in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to determine farmers’ level of vulnerability by using Livelihood Vulnerability Index. The use of the Livelihood Vulnerability Index as an assessment to identify farmers’ vulnerability to climate change and natural disasters can help the local agencies to apply the best policy for the at-risk farmers’ community. A total of 105 respondents living in Kota Bharu, Kelantan were chosen as respondents and the questionnaire of the study was distributed and administered by the chosen enumerators. Overall result shows that the farmers’ community in this study is not vulnerable but components such as land and social network are more susceptible and vulnerable to flood. Therefore,
besides support from the local government, the community needs to be able to increase their resilience against flood in order to be less vulnerable.