Summary: | Automotive industry is facing a challenge to be a regional hub for energy efficient vehicles in 2020. Malaysian Automotive Association disclosed that energy efficient vehicles have enjoyed tremendous sales growth in the past few years after the introduction of duty exemptions. However, the market trend shows a tremendous sales drop. The sales trend shows that there is a low level of energy efficient vehicle purchased, where energy efficient vehicle only owned 3% of market share in automotive industry. Research on green purchase behaviour have mainly based on Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). TPB and TRA have some limitations. Among others, the determinants of behaviour should not limited to specified factors in the theories. The time frame between intention and actual behavioural is not addressed by both theories. TPB and TRA are predictive model used to predict action based on certain criteria that have been set. However, people are not behave as predicted by those criteria and it might change over time. To fill this gaps, this study focuses on developing a comprehensive model to boost the marketability of energy efficient vehicles using the Theory of Consumption Values as the backbone. The objective is to develop a concrete model of energy efficient vehicles consumers’ purchase behaviours based on the Theory of Consumption Values, and investigating the factors motivating and de-motivating consumers to choose energy efficient vehicles as their choice. Data was collected using quantitative and qualitative approach through surveys, interview and focus group with consumers, government bodies and automobile agency. It was found that functional value and emotional value constitute a large percentage of explanation on the differences in consumers’ behavioural intention to purchase energy efficient vehicle. Other factors such as symbolic value, novelty value, and conditional value are not significantly influence consumers’ behavioural intention to purchase energy efficient vehicle. Consumers’ attitudes mediate the relationships between functional value, emotional value and novelty value and consumers’ behavioural intention to purchase energy efficient vehicle. The findings of this study show that brand preference does not perform any moderating role on the relationship between consumers’ attitudes and purchase behavioural intention, which means that brand preference has no influence on association between consumers’ attitudes and purchase behavioural intention. Among the reasons that discourage public from buying energy efficient vehicle are upfront costs, lack of availability, price, infrastructure readiness and range of anxiety.This research contributes to the model development of green efficient vehicles and as a guidelines for stakeholders in the industry namely car manufacturer, Ministry of Transport, International Trade Ministry of Industry and Department of Energy, Green Technology for National Automobile Policy making