Summary: | Organizations today are faced with many new challenges in the new millennium.There have been tremendous pressure than ever before to improve the quality of goods and services provided.Improvement in quality and productivity are critical factors in determining the competitiveness of an organization and the nation.One of the strategic tools that can be used to improve quality and productivity of an organization is by implementing 5S.5S is basically a
determination to organize the workplace, keep it neat, maintain standardized conditions, and maintain discipline. Some of the benefits of implementing 5S successfully include increase in productivity, quality control, cost-effectiveness, prompt delivery, safe working conditions and high morale among the workers.5S is program that involves the participation of everyone in the organization.Based on the beliefs and past experiences of other organizations, these activities can lead to improvement of quality environment and positive work culture and therefore, University Utara Malaysia (UUM) has embarked on the 5S program.This paper will highlight the process of implementing 5S at the university as well as the issues involved in the smooth and implementing the activities successful, hence supporting the university in
creating a healthy environment and positive work culture.