Summary: | There are 10 FELDA sattlement in Kedah which houses 3179 participants.The earliest settlement was opened in 1959 with the takeover of FELDA Bukit Tembaga and Guar Napai.The latest settlement, Laka Selatan, was opened in 1982.The migration of the younger generation's outside FELDA has resulted in the shifting of the responsibility in land development mostly towards the older generation.This means that there is lower productivity in the development mostly towards the older generation.This means that there is lower productivity in the development of land due to the latter generation's old age.The shortage of labour in FELDA'S small farming sector is due to the rapid increase in the manufacturing industry which offers better job opportunities in terms of income and the working environment.The participants or FELDA settlers' children are not interested in pursuing agricultural problems and vacant houses.Furthermore, there will be an imbalance in the age structure, low participation rate amongst the 15-64 year old settlers, high ratio of responsibility, ratio of sex and ratio of daughters left behind in the settlements.All these factors will results in negative effects on the population and FELDA settlements in the future.