Showing 1 - 20 results of 37 for search '"adolescence"', query time: 3.52s Refine Results
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    Published 2012
    “…This paper aims at describing the use of English in Indonesian Adolescent's slang brqadly known as bahasa gaul, the colloquial variation that symbolizes intimate relationships among the youngsters. …”
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    Secular changes in body size and menarche age of Javanese adolescent in Yogyakarta by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2005
    “…Results: The results for stature, weight and menarche age of adolescent measured in 2005 wee greater compared with other Javanese Yogyakarta samples adolescent 23 years ago. …”
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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in adolescents and young adults in the Department of Internal Medicine, Gadjah Mada by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 1973
    “…Six cases and two additional cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in adolescents and young adults are reported. The bone marrow findings in our cases compared with those found in the literature. …”
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    Orientasi masa depan remaja ditinjau dari pola asuh orang tua = Adolescent's Future Orientation Viewed from Parents' Child Rearing Practices by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 1992
    “…One of the characteristics that marks adolescents' development is thinking about the future. …”
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    The effect of chronic ethanol administration on total number of pyramidal cells in CA 1 and CA3 of hippocampus and spatial working memory in adolescent rats (Rattus norvegicus) by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2008
    “…Ihwan Narwanto, Soedjono Aswin, Mustofa - The effect of chronic ethanol administration on total number of pyramidal cells In CA 1 and CA3 of hippocampus and spatial working memory In adolescent rats (Rattus norveglcus) Background: Adolescent brain may be more susceptible to damage by ethanol. …”
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    Efektivitas Latihan Kesadaran Emosi Untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Emosi Pada Remaja Tunarungu (The Effectiveness of Emotion Awareness Trainingto Increase Emotion Awareness Toward Deaf Adolescents) by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2004
    “…Emotion awareness is not merely useful for deaf adolescents to improve their self-management, but also to increase their ability in socializing and maintaining their interpersonal rela-tionship. …”
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    PERAN STATUS IDENTITAS EGO DAN STATUS USIA REMAJA KEMBAR TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN SOSIAL The Role of Ego Identity Status and Age Status of Twin Adolescents on Social Deveropment by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 1997
    “…There are 34 subjects (17 pairs) of early adolescent (12-17 years old), and 22 subjects (11 pairs) of late adolescent twins (1821 years old).Instrument used in this research are questionaires concerning the ego identity, the relationship of peer group, friend and heterosexual.The data are analyzed by Two way Analysis of Variances, Chi Square with two way classification and Serial Corelation. …”
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    Beda persepsi antara lansia dan remaja tentang pentingnya pendidikan seks bagi remaja by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 1999
    “…Objective: To identify the difference in perception of the importance of sex education among adolescence between elderly and adolescence. Subjects: The study was carried out in Yogyakarta among elderly (retired person) and adolescence (students in the first year of their undergraduate study). …”
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    Pengetahuan dan sikap remajaterhadap hiviaids by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2006
    “…Key words: HIV/AIDS, Knowledge, Attitude, Adolescence…”
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    Hubungan antara Intensitas Menonton Tayangan Televisi Berisi Kekerasan, Persepsi terhadap Keharmonisan Keluarga, Jenis Kelamin, dan Tahap Perkembangan dengan Kecenderungan Agresivi... by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2003
    “…This research aims to examine the relationship between the intensity of watching violence on television, the perception of family harmoniouness, with the aggressive tendencies of adolescence. This research also intends at knowing the differences in the aggressive tendencies of adolescence based on sex and phases of development The research subjects were 180 Senior High School (SMU) Bonaventura and Sint Louis at the Kotamadya Madiun, including 93 boys and 87 girls. …”
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    Hubungan Antara Identitas Diri Dan Perkembangan Kepercayaan Eksistensial Dengan Tingkat Perkembangan Penalaran Moral Remaja Di Kodya Padang by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2002
    “…ABSTRACT The object of this research is to study the relationship between self-identity and faith development to moral reasoning of adolescent, and even to study the different level of moral reasoning development between early adolescence and late adolescence. …”
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    Status gizi, asupan zat gizi mikro (kalsium, magnesium) hubungannya dengan sindroma premenstruasi pada remaja putri SMU Sejahtera di Surabaya by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2009
    “…The populations were female adolescence of Sejahtera Senior High School at Surabaya. …”
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    Pengaruh keluarga besar terhadap per kembangan kecenderungan neurotik pada remaja by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 1992
    “…ABSTRAK A causal comparative study has been conducted to know the effect of large family on the development of adolescence neurotic tendency. The study subjects are of Senior High School students in Sleman Regency. …”
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    Sumber Informasi Masalah Reproduksi by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2002
    “…Objective: The problems of young adolescence are closed to reproduction health problem. …”
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    Konsekuensi psikologis dan sosial-ekonomi kehamilan tak dikehendaki pada remaja by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 1994
    “…Young people are in a transitional position from childhood to adolescence. The field of reproductive health among the youth is one which is directly influenced by the process Of the change. …”
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    Proyeksi penduduk Indonesia 1990-2010 by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 1992
    “…The main challenge of the future could be that the population number of the teenage group and the adolescence may be higher than that of the previous period. …”
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    Sarapan dan jajan berhubungan dengan kemampuan konsentrasi pada remaja by Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Published 2011
    “…ABSTRACT Background: Adolescence is a phase that a human has to pass through in life to become an adult. …”