Showing 1 - 19 results of 19 for search '"Fiscal policy"', query time: 0.09s Refine Results
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    Combating Recession in Contemporary Times: Islamic Fiscal Policy and Nigeria’s Economic Recession by AbdulGafar Olawale FAHM, Ishaq Mustapha AKINLASO

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…The study, therefore, concludes that the Islamic fiscal policy can guide Nigerian government in its spending and taxation in order to positively influence the economy.…”
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    Analisis Kebijakan Fiskal dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam; Sebuah Kajian Historis Pada Masa Umar bin Khattab by Ferry Khusnul Mubarok

    Published 2021-06-01
    Subjects: “…fiscal policy instruments, umar bin khattab, islamic history, public finance…”
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    PERAN NEGARA DALAM PEREKONOMIAN (Tinjauan Teoritis Kebijakan Fiskal dalam Ekonomi Islam) by Syaakir Soryan

    Published 2016-12-01
    “…One form of government intervention, namely in fiscal policy by adjusting the state revenues and expenditures in the state budget. …”
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    Peran Negara dalam Perekonomian (Tinjauan Teoritis Kebijakan Fiskal dalam Ekonomi Islam) by Syaakir Sofyan

    Published 2017-01-01
    “…One form of government intervention, namely in fiscal policy by adjusting the state revenues and expenditures in the state budget. …”
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    أثر السياسات النقدية والمالية على تقلبات أسعار الأسهم في تركيا by علي كنعان, محمد الجشي

    Published 2018-11-01
    “…The study also finds that there is no relationship between fiscal policy tools, embodied in government expenditure and tax revenues, and the volatility of stock prices in financial market of Turkey. …”
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    التحليل التمييزي في مُقابل تحليل التباين المتعدد: دراسة تطبيقية للتعرف على العوامل المحددة للركود التضخمي في مصر في الفترة 1980- 2021... by هاني محمد الدمرداش, عبد الرحيم بسيوني

    Published 2022-10-01
    “…Also, the results conclude that the stagflation in Egypt is mainly due to factors related to the supply side, which suffers from low productivity and high costs represented in the prices of raw materials and oil prices, while the external debts-financed fiscal policy attributes to the Egyptian stagflation.…”
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    دور السياسات الاقتصادية في تحفيز الاستثمار الكلي في سورية by عدنان العربيد, حسين وقاف

    Published 2015-12-01
    “…It adopts the descriptive analytical method as a method of statistical analysis of the data in order to achieve these goals, and show the important role of fiscal policy and trade policy to encourage the total investment. …”
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    تحليل العلاقة بين الموازنة العامة و الميزان التجاري باستخدام أسلوب التكامل المشترك والعلاقة السببية " دراسة تطبيقية على الاقتصاد السوري خلال الفترة 1990-2009 "... by فريد الجاعوني, أحمد العلي, علاء عبدالله الذيب

    Published 2013-08-01
    “…The study Contains an analyze of the relationship between the budget deficit and the trade deficit in the Syrian Arab Republic during the period  1990-2009 to measure the mutual Effects between fiscal policy and trade policy.  We have analyzed the time series properties of the variables of the study using Augmented Dickey Fuller test and Phillips Perron test to know if study variables were stable with the Continuation of time. …”
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    تأثير الحرب على سعر الصرف والسياسة النقدية والمالية السورية by حيان سلمان

    Published 2016-08-01
    “…This war affected all aspects on the life of the Syrian community, but I will focus in the research on the economic impact, particularly on the exchange rate of monetary policy and fiscal policy too. I will focus on the exchange rate as it reflects the price of one currency against the other currency or currencies, and I used the dollar exchange rate because it is the most commonly used in Syrian economic transactions, The Syrian pound is linked with the us dollar in 1947 under law No.304/on 2 February 1947 and identified rate of the Syrian pound equivalent to (0, 405513) grams of gold, i.e. (45,6) cents.The importance of exchange rate was revealed with the growing expansion of international commercial exchanges of goods and services, financial transactions, and in the digital language how many of Syrian pounds shall be sold or abandoned to obtain one unit of another currency or USD, for example, so we can notice the importance of exchange rate stability, and therefore one of the most important responsibilities of the monetary policy in Central Bank, is to create an exchange rate that helps to boost economic activity on the macro and micro level and contribute to increase the economic power تتعرض سورية لحرب ظالمة منذ أكثر من أربع سنوات، ويشارك فيها قوى الاستعمار القديم والجديد والتحالف الصهيوأمريكي ودول الخليج وتركيا وغيرها من الدول التي تدور في فلكها، وأثرت على كل جوانب الحياة المجتمعية السورية سأركز في بحثي هذا على تأثيرها الاقتصادي, وخاصة على سعر الصرف التابع للسياسة النقدية وعلى السياسة المالية أيضا، وسأركز على سعر الصرف لأنه يعبر عن سعر عملة ما مقابل عملة أو عملات أخرى. …”
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    أثر الإنفاق الاجتماعي على النمو الاقتصادي في اليمن – تحليل العلاقة التوازنية طويلة الاجل باستخدام منهج التكامل المشترك... by محمد أحمد الحاوري

    Published 2017-02-01
    “…The study also aimed to analyze the nature of the relationship between social expenditure and economic growth in Yemen by using co-integration method and the error correction model to reach to the results that may assist fiscal policy-makers determine priorities for social expenditure and its levels. …”
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    The Fiscal Theory of Price Level and its impact on the Way Fiscal Monetary Interplay: Is it Inevitable in Algeria? by Youcef ZAHAF, Abderrahim CHIBI

    Published 2023-08-01
    “… Our study highlights the importance of the fiscal theory of price level, showing the role of FTPL in the interaction and coordination between monetary-fiscal policies under different economic regimes (ricardian and non-ricardian). …”
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    Emerging Causes And Effects Of Inflation In Syria by Mona Idlibi, Hassan Mohamed Fadel

    Published 2020-01-01
    “…Inflation rates during the years of the ongoing economic crisis and to identify at the most important new causes and the effects of inflation and the immediate solutions that can lead to mitigate the inflation possible and curb it as the talk about radical treatment requires a stable economic and political environment on the These distant monetary and fiscal policies are used and this is not currently available استجدت الكثير من الأسباب التي أدت إلى تفشي ظاهرة التضخم في حالة عدم الاستقرار السياسي والاقتصادي والأمني وظهرت أثار جديدة لم تكن معروفة في حالة التضخم الطبيعي في الدولة ، وسورية مازالت تعاني حتى هذه اللحظة من عدم الاستقرار بمختلف أشكاله حيث عمدت في هذا البحث تسليط الضوء على تصاعد معدلات التضخم خلال سنوات الأزمة الاقتصادية المستمرة والوقوف عند أهم الأسباب الجديدة والأثار الناجمة عن التضخم وما يمكن أن يتبعها من حلول فورية تؤدي للتخفيف ما أمكن من التضخم وتكبح جماحه باعتبار أن الحديث عن علاجه جذرياً يحتاج إلى بيئة اقتصادية وسياسية مستقرة على المدى البعيد تستخدم فيها سياسات نقدية ومالية وهذا غير متوفر حالياً. …”
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    Changes in Tax Revenue in Comparison with GDP at Current Prices in Syria (a 2000-to-2016 Study) by Rami Ali Zedan

    Published 2020-03-01
    “…Given its characteristics and qualities, tax revenue is a very important tool of widespread fiscal policies used by countries to reduce the problems experienced by their economies, such as inflation, stagnation and unemployment. …”
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    The factors triggering the sovereign crisis and their impact on sovereign CDS spreads by Samah EL-CHEIKH, Rafik ALIOUAT

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…By analyzing monthly data from January 2007 to September 2015 using instrumental variable approach, we find that European sovereign default risk is partly a response to a macroeconomic environment characterized by poor fiscal policies and deteriorating economic factors. Specifically, higher unemployment rate, debt levels and lower current account balances have increased the sovereign CDS spreads. …”
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