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    La competencia intercultural y la competencia pragmática en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera (ELE)Pragmatic competence and intercultural competence in Spanish language teachingMałgorzata Spychała-WawrzyniakUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Polonia)ía del Carmen Suñén BernalLeuphana Universität Lüneburg (Alemania)sunen-bernal@leuphana.deAbstract The main purpose of this article is to present the development and evolution of two fundamental compo-nents of the communicative competence in the teaching of foreign languages: pragmatics and intercul-turality. We will analyze different visions of pragmatic competence and intercultural competence, which are sometimes treated as synonymous concepts. We will focus our attention on the problems observed in class as a consequence of the great diversity of cultural contexts in which Spanish is learned, highlighting the importance of activating the development of both competences in class and the need to learn to nego-tiate linguistic and cultural meanings within a cultural context different from that of the target language. Finally, we will present the results of a study carried out with students from a Polish and a German uni-versity, whose objective was to analyze the previous attitudes of students from different faculties towards two competences that should always go hand in hand: pragmatics and interculturality.... by Małgorzata Spychała-Wawrzyniak

    Published 2021-06-01
    “…Finally, we will present the results of a study carried out with students from a Polish and a German uni-versity, whose objective was to analyze the previous attitudes of students from different faculties towards two competences that should always go hand in hand: pragmatics and interculturality.…”
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    El tiempo objetivo y el sistema de mundos posibles en el texto narrativo by Alfonso Martín Jiménez

    Published 1988-12-01
    “…The plurality of temporal lines infable resolves itself into the sujet's typical unique temporal line, by means of the activation of a Double Temporal Transformer Mechanism which operates in two consecutive phases: as a result of the first phase, a new temporal arrangement of the elements takes place in each character's world, ocurring as many temporal lines as character's worlds the text contains; as a result of the second one, there arises a combination of the elements of all character's worlds in a sole temporal line, by respecting in each world the arrangement of the elements resultant from the former phase.…”
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    Camí Batut: un procés de formació i innovació docent per afavorir l’ambientalització curricular a l’Educació Secundària by Marta Gual Oliva, Úrsula Olmos Casado

    Published 2022-02-01
    “…En el present article es comparteix el projecte Camí Batut, de formació i innovació docent, així com les característiques del material didàctic resultant anomenat Baix Ter 20_50: Dissenyem el paisatge del futur. …”
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    Ciutat i territori a Mallorca by Margalida Mestre Morey

    Published 2015-05-01
    “…Tanmateix, analitzant l’evolució de la població mallorquina a les darreres dècades, ens trobem amb que la hipòtesi de l’excessiva concentració de població està resultant, de cada cop, més difícil de sustentar. L’article aborda la problemàtica mitjançant metodologies clàssiques sobre la jerarquia dels sistemes urbans, com són el model rank-size i l’índex de primacia, complementades amb l’estudi de la dispersió del poblament. …”
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    Els verbs de canvi d'estat del català i l'alternança causativa: una proposta sintàctica by Bartomeu Abrines Llabrés, Jaume Mateu Fontanals

    Published 2018-07-01
    “…En conclusió indiquem que només la diferència entre arrels que lexicalitzen la manera o l'estat resultant és pertinent per explicar la participació de les arrels en l'alternança.…”
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    L’ofici de fuster a la Barcelona del set-cents. Noves aportacions documentals, noves mirades by Rosa M. Creixell i Cabeza

    Published 2008-12-01
    “…L’aproximació a l’ofici de fuster i la seva evolució com a art mecànica ha estat sempre realitzada en funció de l’artefacte resultant i bàsicament cenyint-se a la construcció de mobiliari. …”
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    Grafts of Creativity by Carme Sais Gruart

    Published 2015-10-01
    “…One of the objectives is to encourage younger students to look upon art with interest and respect. The result of the experience and the artistic results jointly obtained are later the basis for an exhibition. …”
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    Analysis of determinants influencing the level of intelectual capital disclosure: The case of FTSE 100 entities by Martin Kucera, Dana Dvorakova

    Published 2023-03-01
    “…The paper aims to identify the determinants that influence entities to reveal IC related information and also to highlight the theoretical aspects behind such determinants, resulting in comprehensive findings. The results of the analysis can be used to understand what leads entities to make decisions in the field of non-financial disclosure. …”
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    Plurality and equality in the Learning Communities by Mimar Ramis-Salas

    Published 2015-09-01
    “…<p><strong>Purpose:</strong> to present empirical evidence of the success generated as a result of the types of organization of the centres and the classrooms in the CA. …”
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    Vulnerability to child sexual abuse: NOABS tool by Leslie Bravo García, Analia Veronica Losada

    Published 2023-03-01
    “… Background: The prevalence of child sexual abuse shows a result of 19% in females and 8% in males. Objective: The main aim of this study, is to identify the level of vulnerability and risk of sexual abuse in children between 6 to 13 years old with the NOABS tool. …”
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    The role of asynchronous and synchronous activities in university academic performance: A comparative study of traditional and inverted class methodologies by Niurka Guevara-Otero, Susana Diaz-Iglesias, Elena Cuevas-Molano

    Published 2023-01-01
    “…For this purpose, the academic results obtained and the involvement and motivation of the student and the teacher in the different learning methodologies involved are analyzed. …”
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    Effects of the use of competitive intelligence in industrial SMEs by Emilio Placer-Maruri, Daniel Pérez-González, Pedro Soto-Acosta

    Published 2016-08-01
    “…The sample size (79 companies) makes it difficult to extrapolate results. In addition, in the future it would be more appropriate to identify and analyze variables of different business sectors. …”
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    Strategic orientation to educational innovation: A systematic review and conceptual model by Rober Restrepo Betancur, Manuela Pardo-del-Val, Juan Francisco Martínez-Pérez

    Published 2022-11-01
    “…Therefore, it is a reference for future empirical works that seek to study innovation in educational institutions and explain their results.…”
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    An empirical study of business effect and industry effect in Galicia by Susana Iglesias, Vicente A. Lopez, Marcos Rodriguez

    Published 2007-07-01
    “…These results, in favour of the business effect, are similar to other obtained in previous empirical studies.…”
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    L’interférence de la gémination dans la prononciation des étudiants arabophones apprenant le français

    Published 2022-03-01
    “…It includes also the results of perceptive tests. The results show that the target consonants produced by the learners were meaningfully longer than those pronounced by the French speakers. …”
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    Influence of orthography in production and perception of /b/ in US Spanish by Annie Helms, Gabriella Licata, Rachel Weiher

    Published 2022-01-01
    “…These results advocate for a usage-based model of language representation. …”
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    Continuous improvement practices with Kaizen approach in companies of the metropolitan district of Quito: An exploratory study by Karla Alvarado Ramírez, Víctor Pumisacho Álvaro

    Published 2017-02-01
    “…Research limitations/implications: This article uses a qualitative methodology, so their results cannot be generalized, can only be referenced using the specific context of the companies studied. …”
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    Investigant la SEO des de les ciències socials : 'scoping review' by Carlos Lopezosa, Lluís Codina, Cristòfol Rovira

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…Introduction: SEO (search engine optimization) is the set of strategies that apply to content and websites so that they appear in relevant positions in search results. Given its importance in broad sectors of human activity, SEO has not gone unnoticed by academia, which has led to the development of different studies on this discipline. …”
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    Investigando el SEO desde las ciencias sociales : 'scoping review' by Carlos Lopezosa, Lluís Codina, Cristòfol Rovira

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…Introduction: SEO (search engine optimization) is the set of strategies that apply to content and websites so that they appear in relevant positions in search results. Given its importance in broad sectors of human activity, SEO has not gone unnoticed by academia, which has led to the development of different studies on this discipline. …”
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