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  1. 1

    A Tihanyi alapítólevél szórványaihoz: Tichon, Balatin, Petre, Fuk by István Hoffmann

    Published 2007-12-01
    “…The place-name Tihany comes from a Slavic personal name, though it is argued whether the place-name itself is the result of a Hungarian or Slavic name giving process. The author also analyses four more place-names of the Carpathian Basin that can be derived from the same stem. …”
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    A cégnév mint márkanév szerepe az üzleti kommunikációban by Erika Kegyes

    Published 2012-12-01
    “…Based on the naming practices of logistics and transportation firms, the paper examines brand positioning as a communication strategy, analysing the communicational projections of positioning firm names. …”
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    A mordvin névtani kutatások etimológiai problémái by Sándor Maticsák

    Published 2011-12-01
    “…First, the etymological dictionaries of place-names published recently are presented, and then, by way of analysing several examples taken from these works, the reliability of the dictionary entries is discussed. …”
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    Magyar helynévkutatás Kárpátalján by Zsolt Sebestyén

    Published 2008-12-01
    “…After some earlier attempts, toponymic research started to develop in the Sub-Carpathian region at the beginning of the 1990s: representatives of the new generation of Sub-Carpathian linguists educated in recent years have been working in the last two decades to make other scholars acquainted with local place names by way of providing data as well as analyses of general Hungarian toponymic interest in their books, studies and theses. …”
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    Névtani kutatások a poznańi Adam Mickiewicz Egyetemen by Irena Sarnowska-Giefing

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…Significant results have been achieved in investigating literary names by compiling relevant bibliographies and analysing the connections between text linguistics, genre theory and onomastics. …”
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    Az apát lexéma megjelenése a garamszentbenedeki apátság birtokainak nevében by Melinda Szőke

    Published 2013-12-01
    “…The author examines toponyms that reflect ecclesiastical possession: the observed names were either derived from the lexeme apát ‘abbot’, or their changes involved the appearance of the same lexeme in the name forms. Collecting and analysing place names that indicated territories owned by the same proprietor has thrown light on so far hidden connections among toponyms: the names of the possessions that belonged to Garamszentbenedek Abbey raise the possibility that the distinctive additions also ‘lower’ and felső ‘upper’, for instance, were used not only to identify the two ends of a formerly single settlement after these parts became independent habitations, but also to eliminate homonymy. …”
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    A virtuális macskák névadásának vizsgálata by Éva Gárdonyi

    Published 2012-12-01
    “… Names for virtual cats     Based on data collected from the website “CicaNevelde [CatNursery]”, which allows visitors to breed virtual cats, the author analyses names for net cats. Results suggest that most names for virtual cats are taken from the category of so-called word names, i.e. meaningful names, or they are transformed proper names. …”
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    A névadás motivációi Felső-Háromszéken és a név súlya az identitásjelölő faktorok rendszerében by Teréz Rancz

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…This aspect of name giving and name use is less frequently analysed in onomastics, though it offers useful data for sociology, sociolinguistics and contact linguistics as well. …”
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    Az ómagyar kori településnevekben előforduló ’német’ jelentésű lexémák nyelvföldrajzi vizsgálata by Anita Rácz

    Published 2011-12-01
    “…The paper examines the relevant toponyms, adopting several distinct geolinguistic points of view, and analyses the structural composition of the various morphological types (i.e. names of one or two constituents), presenting the role of the different name components in the name forms. …”
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    Rakamaz régi német családnevei by Lajos Mizser

    Published 2011-12-01
    “…They bore altogether 134 surnames, which are analysed in the paper according to their semantic contents. 1. …”
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    Poliszém jelentésszerkezetek Kosztolányi Dezső Édes Anna című regényében by Gréta Páji

    Published 2014-12-01
    “…Some studies have already made efforts to map the role of names in given pieces of literature, but these analyses have usually failed to reach the level of a complex and systematic theory, which could successfully explain the broader function, the dynamic cohesive force of imaginary names in literary texts. …”
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    Hely- és személynevek a magyar internetes gasztronómiai blogok és receptgyűjtemények ételneveiben by Katalin Török

    Published 2016-12-01
    “…The collected names include a Hungarian or a foreign place or personal name and were analysed with respect to their semantics and grammar. …”
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    A névelemek sorrendje és kulturális kongruenciája a Borsszem Jankó zsidó figuráinak névanyagában a 20. század első felében by Luca Anna Németh

    Published 2013-12-01
    “…Based on this examination the author draws attention to the relevance of this aspect in analysing name stocks of humour magazines in the future. …”
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    Személynévhasználat a magyar halottsiratókban by Réka Kocsis

    Published 2011-12-01
    “… The use of personal names in Hungarian mourning songs     The paper examines whether Sándor Solymossy was right in his assumption that the function of personal names in Hungarian mourning songs was to conjure up the dead person’s soul. The author analyses the personal names appearing in the volume of “A magyar népzene tára [The Collection of Hungarian Folk Music]” that is dedicated to mourning songs. …”
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    Megjegyzések népnévi eredetű tulajdonneveinkről by János N. Fodor

    Published 2012-12-01
    “…With the help of this dictionary containing Old Hungarian data of settlement names developed from ethnic names, one can easily survey the historical records connected to different ethnic names, whose observation might induce further analyses or might raise questions to be answered. In case of some words (avar, polyák ~ polyán, komán, román, etc.), however, the explanation based on their origin in Hungarian ethnic names is dubious, but, with the help of toponymic and anthroponymic data of ethnonyms, the history of ethnic names can also be reconstructed in an authentic way. …”
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    Dimenzionális szemlélet a névkutatásban by Tamás Farkas

    Published 2014-12-01
    “…This paper presents how typical it is to pay attention to the different dimensions in the analyses of the distinct types of names. The author explores the reasons for, the antecedents of, and the presence of this approach in Hungarian Onomastics, focusing on topics such as name history, name geography and socioonomastics as well as their connections and their possible dimensional linguistic examination. …”
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    Egy újabb tárgynévtípus: a 4-es metró fúrópajzsainak névadásáról by Judit Raátz

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…The author thus, apart from analysing name types and their semantic ranges, highlights the relations between the members of the proposed name pairs. …”
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    Vonatnevek Magyarországon by Imre Perger

    Published 2023-12-01
    “… Train names in Hungary The study outlines the development of giving names to means of transport and describes the motivations behind the naming. It analyses in detail the development of train names. …”
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    A tulajdonnevek fordíthatóságáról és napjaink fordítási hibáiról, közszók és tulajdonnevek példáján by Tamás Farkas

    Published 2007-12-01
    “…Problems such as (1) common nouns misconceived as proper names, (2) linguistic items on the borderline between common nouns and proper names, (3) name accessories, and (4) the typology of techniques to translate common noun components of proper names are examined in detail. By way of analysing plentiful mistakes collected from contemporary mass translations in everyday use (e.g. from dubbed films and their abstracts) the author tries to reveal the importance of the most essential characteristics of proper names in translation. …”
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    Vízrajzi köznevek ómagyar kori településnevekben by Ferenc Bíró

    Published 2008-12-01
    “… Hydrographic common nouns in settlement names of the Old Hungarian period This paper discusses a characteristic subset of habitation names by analysing the hydronyms that have played a part in establishing Old Hungarian settlement names. …”
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