Showing 1 - 15 results of 15 for search '"Field research', query time: 0.07s Refine Results
  1. 1

    A magyar családnévanyag kontrasztív szempontú tipológiai-statisztikai vizsgálata by Tamás Farkas

    Published 2016-12-01
    “…The paper also focuses on some questions of research methodology that arise in the field and are rarely discussed in relevant international literature. …”
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    Elmélet és terminológia a magyar helynévkutatásban by István Hoffmann

    Published 2012-12-01
    “…The proper, intrinsic terminology of onomastics started to develop in Hungarian literature after onomasticians had declared their branch of science to be an independent, coherent field of research constituting a separate discipline. …”
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    A tulajdonnevek mentális reprezentációjáról by Katalin Reszegi

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…Furthermore, the examination of mental processes affecting proper names is presently situated at the periphery of psycholinguistic research. This paper, as a basis for further studies, seeks to present how and under what conditions the investigation of the mental relations of proper names appears satisfactory, and wishes to summarise the results of psycho- and neurolinguistics as well as those of cognitive linguistics achieved so far in this research field, also mentioning and commenting on some relevant onomastic observations. …”
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    Magyar állatnévkutatás Kárpátalján by Vince Roják

    Published 2008-12-01
    “… Research on the Hungarian animal names of the Sub-Carpathian region, Ukraine Studying the Hungarian animal names of the Sub-Carpathian region in Ukraine has so far been a neglected field of onomastics. …”
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    Dimenzionális szemlélet a névkutatásban by Tamás Farkas

    Published 2014-12-01
    “…Examples are given from the earlier and contemporary literature in the field of Hungarian family-name research. The author argues that most questions in relation to Onomastics can only be discussed validly in the framework of macrolinguistics, using the methods of contextual linguistics. …”
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    Az általános iskolások címadási gyakorlatának vizsgálata festményeknek adott címek alapján by Eszter Sztrákos

    Published 2014-12-01
    “… Giving titles to paintings by elementary school children     Research into titles has always been a neglected field in Onomastics, though, because of its interdisciplinarity, it deserves attention. …”
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    A történeti személynévföldrajz mint a nyelvföldrajz egyik kutatási területe I. by János N. Fodor

    Published 2014-12-01
    “… The geography of historical personal names as a research area of Geolinguistics I. Name geographic methods in name studies     Spatial distribution of proper names – similarly to that of common nouns – is a natural consequence of language change; as a result, the geography of personal (especially family) names has recently become an important field of study in international and Hungarian Onomastics. …”
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    Újabb erdélyi román személy- és helynévtörténeti kutatások by Levente Nagy

    Published 2015-12-01
    “…The volumes, however, may stimulate both Hungarian and Romanian onomasticians and historians to carry out further research in the field. …”
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    A Történeti magyar családnévatlasz előmunkálatairól by János N. Fodor, Éva F. Láncz

    Published 2011-12-01
    “…European onomastics has already produced some very impressive works in the field, and Hungarian onomastics should also join the trend. …”
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    Névtani kutatások a poznańi Adam Mickiewicz Egyetemen by Irena Sarnowska-Giefing

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…Successful research projects have been carried out in three fields, i.e. historical place and personal names as well as names in literature have been widely examined. …”
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    A tulajdonnevek pszicho- és neurolingvisztikája by Katalin Reszegi

    Published 2014-12-01
    “…In connection with the special identifying function and semantic features of proper names, many researchers assume that we process the two groups of words in different ways. …”
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    Névtan és terminológia 2: Névtan és egységesítés by Andrea Bölcskei, Ágota Fóris

    Published 2013-12-01
    “… Onomastics and Terminology 2: Onomastics and Standardization In an attempt to address some current issues of geographical names standardization in Hungary and abroad, the Department of Hungarian Linguistics and the Research Group on Terminology of Károli Gáspár University, the Institute of Hungarian Language of Eötvös Loránd University, and the Society of Hungarian Linguistics, as this year’s session of the recently launched annual programme examining the relations of Onomastics and Terminology, organized a workshop entitled “Onomastics and Standardization” on 11th of June, 2013. …”
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    A személynevekkel kapcsolatos névtani és jogi terminológia by Mariann Slíz

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…The effects of the two fields on one other’s terminology are evident. Legal terminology appears to have a greater impact on onomastics than vice-versa, perhaps due to the effects of applied onomastics. …”
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    Többnyelvű névtani lexikográfia: a Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources elnevezésű nemzetközi szótári projekt by Sara L. Uckelman, Mariann Slíz

    Published 2015-12-01
    “…The paper underlines the significance of the dictionary, as it can be used in different fields (by linguists, sociologists, historians and the general public); then the authors focus on two basic technical issues of editing: the determination of the head forms and the conditions under which a name is considered a variant of another name. …”
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    Személynevek a kvantitatív társadalomtudományokban by Attila Gáspár, Rita Pető

    Published 2022-12-01
    “… Personal Names in Quantitative Social Sciences The authors provide a non-exhaustive review of studies employing individual names (both surnames and given names) as their primary data source in quantitative social sciences, such as economics, economic history, sociology, social psychology and public health. Researchers in these fields mostly either examine the impact of specific name types on individual outcomes (i.e., earnings) or use names as proxy variables for some intrinsic individual quality (such as national or ethnic identity or social status). …”
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