Showing 1 - 20 results of 29 for search '"official"', query time: 0.08s Refine Results
  1. 1

    Helynévképzők a hivatalos névadás körében by Ágnes Bényei

    Published 2010-12-01
    “… Derivative suffixes producing settlement names in official naming practices This paper discusses the morphology of official settlement names. …”
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    Csernakeresztúr, Sándoregyháza és Székelykeve magyarjainak helynevei by Helén Pál

    Published 2008-12-01
    “…A certain percentage of the place names is used only or partially in the official language: the settlement names and the street names are used in two languages, i.e. in Hungarian and in the official language (in Csernakeresztúr and in Székelykeve), or used mainly in the official language (in Sándoregyháza). …”
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    Román közterületnevek a két világháború közti időszak romániai magyar napilapjaiban by Krisztina Sófalvi

    Published 2008-12-01
    “…The status of the Hungarian language changed: it became a minority language, Romanian becoming the official and, in certain situations (for example, in official usage), the compulsory language. …”
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    Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok tagállamainak hivatalos és informális elnevezéseiről, a tagállamnevek magyar fordításáról by Andrea Bölcskei

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…US state nicknames are also described with respect to their function (e.g. actual nicknames, mottos, slogans), style (e.g. official, semi-official, non-official, common, frequent, rare, disused names) and motivation (e.g. names referring to the geographical features, the economic or political features, the history, the inhabitants and other features of the states). …”
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    A hivatalos családnév-változtatások indokrendszerének vizsgálatáról by István Kozma

    Published 2007-12-01
    “… On the motivational factors of official surname changes   This paper presents the most important motivational factors behind 19–20th century family name changes in Hungary. …”
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    A romániai magyar kisebbségi helységnév a nyelvi tervezés érdeklődési körében by Magdolna Csomortáni

    Published 2014-12-01
    “…Although these decisions broaden the scope of the official language functions of a portion of the relevant names, they still deny the status of “official names” to the name forms concerned. …”
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    A nemzetiségi nyelven való egyéni névhasználat helyzete Magyarországon by Balázs Kiss

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…The resolution also discussed the difficulties in registering and using these proper names under the rules of national minority legislation when issuing official certificates in Hungary. Considering the Commissioner’s investigation results, this paper presents the findings to researchers dealing with applied onomastics. …”
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    Gondolatok a településnév-korrelációkról by Valéria Tóth

    Published 2011-12-01
    “…I suggest here that the system of non-official settlement-name correlations was in fact developed as a result of two distinct (settlement-) historical processes, and that these processes resulted in rather different linguistic features. …”
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    A égitestek neveiről és helyesírásukról by Judit Kozma

    Published 2007-12-01
    “…Although Hungarian astronomers have been displaying a high level of competence in this branch of science for centuries, neither a general onomastic survey nor an official astronomical orthographic dictionary has been published in Hungarian. …”
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    Magyar és német népi csillagnevek és csillagképnevek jelentései by Judit Kozma

    Published 2009-12-01
    “…The author wants to present how human realities and attitudes are reflected in the sky by comparing official Arabic and Greek star names with Hungarian and German popular names for stars, using the methods of cognitive semantics. …”
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    Konferencia a családnév-változtatások témaköréből by Tamás Farkas

    Published 2008-12-01
    “…The research team was established in 2004 to carry out a multi-dimensional, systematic survey of the problems of official Hungarian family name changes. In the conference, 27 papers were presented, and among the presenters historians, linguists and name researchers, minority researchers, scholars of literature, ethnographers, lawyers and experts in administration were equally represented. …”
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    Magyar neve? by Gizella Szabómihály

    Published 2007-12-01
    “…Their last standardization took place in 1994, when the Hungarian names of circa 500 settlements were established (next to the official Slovakian names). Out of these names approximately 100 are different from the relevant name forms established by the last Hungarian standardization (1913). …”
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    Ötvenéves a Ladó-féle utónévkönyv by Judit Raátz

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…Because of those uncertainties, linguists and public administration experts formulated official lists of proper names. The paper describes how the dictionary of Hungarian proper names appeared under János Ladó’s name in 1971 after extensive social, administrative and linguistic preparatory work. …”
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    A foglalkozásnévi eredetű családnevek típusa a magyar családnevek rendszerében by Mariann Slíz

    Published 2016-12-01
    “…Furthermore, the survey examines the role of occupational family names in official family name changes in Hungary in the past; investigates the social-historical and political background for choosing occupational family names when changing one’s surname; and also mentions some invented occupational family names. …”
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    A védjegyek köznevesüléséről by Péter Szalai

    Published 2011-12-01
    “…This phenomenon, called genericization or semantic broadening, is difficult to identify; in a legal sense it also requires an official procedure in order for the mark not to be used as a proper noun, but as a common noun without legal protection. …”
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    „A szent ügy” by Péter Maitz

    Published 2008-12-01
    “… “The sacred affair”: Linguistic analysis of the propaganda disseminated in the dualistic era (1867–1918) concerning the Magyarization of names Official family name changes are often induced by practical, biographical causes. …”
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    A személynevekkel kapcsolatos névtani és jogi terminológia by Mariann Slíz

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…Onomastics employs a wider range of technical terms than the legal profession since the former focuses exclusively on names, including non-official varieties, while the other does not. The paper reveals cases where the same term has different meanings in the two disciplines, or different terms express the same meaning. …”
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    Bajor utcanevek egy magyarországi német településen by Márta Müller

    Published 2013-12-01
    “…Revitalization of the names started in 2009, as a result of which the Bavarian street names on blue and white local history plaques have been placed under the official Hungarian street signs. The last section of the paper presents the steps of this revitalization process. …”
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    Magyar élclapok nem magyar nemzetiség szereplőinek nevei a 19. század második felében by Ágnes Tamás

    Published 2010-12-01
    “… Names of characters of non-Hungarian nationality occurring in Hungarian humour magazines in the second half of the 19th century This study examines whether the family names of characters of non-Hungarian nationality appearing in humour magazines of the 1860s and 1890s bear some resemblance to real-life family names of the era occurring in official registers. Relevant data were collected from two popular contemporary humour magazines, entitled “Üstökös” and “Borsszem Jankó”. …”
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    Migráns gyermekek névhasználata by Judit Kecskés

    Published 2013-12-01
    “…Inclination toward assimilation displayed in the choice of the given name, in most cases, appears in informal names, and affects official names only to a lesser degree. Functionally, the informal names are names for the child, usually chosen by a parent or the child him- or herself. …”
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