Cyhoeddwyd 2016
“...The median duration of anaesthesia in the general anaesthesia group was 54 min.For this secondary outcome, we found no evidence that just less than 1 h of sevoflurane anaesthesia in infancy increases the risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years of age compared with awake-regional anaesthesia.Australia National Health and Medical
Research Council (NHMRC), Health Technologies Assessment-National
Institute for Health
Research UK, National
Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Murdoch Childrens
Research Institute, Canadian
Institute of Health
Research, Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Pfizer Canada, Italian Ministry of Heath, Fonds NutsOhra, and UK Clinical
Research Network (UKCRN)....”
Journal article