Madkhali’s criticism of Sayyid Quṭb: a critique of the critique
יצא לאור 2024-01-01נושאים: קבל טקסט מלא
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Critique of the One Reason. On the Systemic Unity of the Three ‘Critiques’
יצא לאור 2024-10-01"...In itself, each of the three critiques represents a necessary moment of a more comprehensive movement of justification, which the critique as a whole goes through three times. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
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Aban Yasht: A Review of the Critique of its Critique
יצא לאור 2019-02-01"...In the 4th issue of the same journal, Mowlaee wrote a critique of that review and evaluated it as being false and incorrect in terms of its contents. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
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Correspondances critiques
יצא לאור 2019-12-01"...Thanks to this dialogue with Minder, Adorno’s critique of the heideggerian language has been strengthened and the foundations of his later work Negative dialectics has been established. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
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Historical Critique or Transcendental Critique in Foucault: Two Kantian Lineages
יצא לאור 2010-02-01"...It is argued that Foucault’s work is Kantian at its core insofar as it institutes a critical inquiry into conditions of possibility. But whereas critique for Kant was transcendental in orientation, in Foucault critique becomes historical, and is much the better for it...."
קבל טקסט מלא
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On with critique! The necessity of critique in addressing the political deficits of responsible innovation
יצא לאור 2024-12-01נושאים: קבל טקסט מלא
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Biopolitics in critical tourism theory: a radical critique of critique
יצא לאור 2022-08-01"...It is argued that biopolitics is only one of the three key domains of ‘human interests’, which must be subjected to a radical critique in tourism studies and practice. Such critique should be entwined with questions of (a) institutional and discursive power in the making of tourism worlds and destinations (‘worldmaking’ – Hollinshead, 2009a), but also, crucially (b) the analogous counter-discourses instituted by critical tourism studies scholars, who seek to legitimise their own epistemic community and thus produce a majoritarian voice endorsing an apparent (but not interest or motivation free) support of morally just causes for a better human and planetary futures...."
קבל טקסט מלא
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La biopolitique dans la théorie critique du tourisme : une critique radicale de la critique
יצא לאור 2022-08-01"...L’auteur affirme que la biopolitique n’est qu’un des trois domaines clés des ‘intérêts humains’ qui doivent faire l’objet d’une critique radicale dans les études et les pratiques touristiques. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
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Should Critique be Tamed by Realism? A Defense of Radical Critiques of Reason
יצא לאור 2019-08-01נושאים: "...critique of reason..."
קבל טקסט מלא