Отображение 1 - 20 результаты of 41 для поиска 'The Phantom Band', время запроса: 0.07сек. Отмена результатов
  1. 1

    A UWB imaging system to detect early breast cancer in heterogeneous breast phantom по Alshehri, Saleh Ali, Jantan, Adznan, Raja Abdullah, Raja Syamsul Azmir, Mahmud, Rozi, Khatun, Sabira, Awang, Zaiki

    Опубликовано 2011
    “...This paper presents an experimental early breast cancer detection system in terms of heterogeneous breast phantom. The system consists of commercial Ultrawide-Band (UWB) transceivers and our developed Neural Network (NN) based Pattern Recognition (PR) software for imaging. ...”
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    Conference or Workshop Item
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    A UWB imaging system to detect early breast cancer in heterogeneous breast phantom по Saleh, Alshehri, Adznan, Jantan, R. S. A., Raja Abdullah, Rozi, Mahmud, Sabira, Khatun, Zaiki, Awang

    Опубликовано 2011
    “...This paper presents an experimental early breast cancer detection system in terms of heterogeneous breast phantom. The system consists of commercial Ultrawide-Band (UWB) transceivers and our developed Neural Network (NN) based Pattern Recognition (PR) software for imaging. ...”
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    Conference or Workshop Item
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    Sequential weighted Wiener estimation for extraction of key tissue parameters in color imaging : a phantom study по Chen, Shuo, Lin, Xiaoqian, Zhu, Caigang, Liu, Quan

    Опубликовано 2015
    “...The method was evaluated on skin phantoms with varying CtHb, StO2, and scattering properties. ...”
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    Journal Article
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    Abnormal thalamocortical dynamics may be altered by deep brain stimulation: using magnetoencephalography to study phantom limb pain. по Ray, N, Jenkinson, N, Kringelbach, M, Hansen, P, Pereira, E, Brittain, J, Holland, P, Holliday, I, Owen, S, Stein, J, Aziz, T

    Опубликовано 2009
    “...We were able to record activity over the occipital lobe of a patient using DBS for phantom limb pain during presentation of a visual stimulus. ...”
    Journal article
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    A brain basis for musical hallucinations по Kumar, S, Sedley, W, Barnes, G, Teki, S, Friston, K, Griffiths, T

    Опубликовано 2014
    “...Residual inhibition, transient suppression of a phantom percept after the offset of a masking stimulus, has been used in the study of tinnitus. ...”
    Journal article
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    Development of fast spectroscopic imaging techniques for biomedical applications по Chen, Shuo

    Опубликовано 2015
    “...Inspired by the above phantom experiment, narrow-band measurements and their ratios were used for the early prediction of flap occlusion in an animal study. ...”
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    LED based Raman imaging system по Ng, Zong Yi

    Опубликовано 2015
    “...In this project, the distorted Raman spectrum when excited by an LED excitation source were simulated by convoluting the original Raman signal from phantom data with LED output spectrum. Algorithm-based techniques such as FFT deconvolution and narrow-band measurements based on Wiener estimations were utilized to restore the original Raman spectrum. ...”
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    Final Year Project (FYP)
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    Single-subject oscillatory gamma responses in tinnitus по Sedley, W, Teki, S, Kumar, S, Barnes, G, Bamiou, D, Griffiths, T

    Опубликовано 2012
    “...The work implicates auditory cortex gamma-band oscillations as a fundamental intrinsic mechanism for attenuating phantom auditory perception....”
    Journal article
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    Breast cancer detection using flanged parallel-plate waveguide probe по Lee, Wilman Wei Jian.

    Опубликовано 2010
    “...Moreover, the development and characterization of broad band breast phantom materials were also performed and results have shown that phantoms with different levels of complex permittivity can be obtained by varying the oil content within the materials. ...”
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    Final Year Project (FYP)
  12. 12

    Experimental approximation of breast tissue permittivity and conductivity using NN-based UWB imaging по Alshehri, Saleh, Khatun, Sabira, Jantan, Adznan, Raja Abdullah, Raja Syamsul Azmir, Mahmud, Rozi, Awang, Zaiki

    Опубликовано 2011
    “...This paper presents experimental study to distinguish between malignant and benign tumors in early breast cancer detection using Ultra Wide Band (UWB) imaging. The contrast between dielectric properties of these two tumor types is the main key. ...”
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    Conference or Workshop Item
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    Negative index metamaterial-based frequency-reconfigurable textile cpw antenna for microwave imaging of breast cancer по Hossain, Kabir, Sabapathy, Thennarasan, Jusoh, Muzammil, Shen, Han Lee, Ab Rahman, Khairul Shakir, Kamarudin, Muhammad Ramlee

    Опубликовано 2022
    “...The MTM-based reconfigurable antenna was also tested under the deformed condition and analysed in the vicinity of the breast phantom. This microwave imaging system was used to perform simulation and measurement experiments on a custom-fabricated realistic breast phantom with heterogeneous tissue composition with image reconstruction using delay-and-sum (DAS) and delay-multiply-and-sum (DMAS) algorithms. ...”
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    3d experimental detection and discrimination of malignant and benign breast tumor using nn-based uwb imaging system по Sabira, Khatun

    Опубликовано 2011
    “...The experiment is conducted using commercial Ultrawide-Band (UWB) transceivers, Neural Network (NN) based Pattern Recognition (PR) software for imaging and homogenous breast phantom. ...”
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    Scattering performance verification based on UWB imaging and neural network по V., Vijayasarveswari, Muzammir, Jusoh, Sabira, Khatun, Fakir, Md Moslemuddin

    Опубликовано 2017
    “...The received signals are fed into NN module for further processing. Breast phantom is placed in the center and a pair of home-made antennas was placed diagonally opposite side of the breast phantom. ...”
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    Conference or Workshop Item
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    3D experimental detection and discrimination of malignant and benign breast tumor using NN-based UWB imaging system по Alshehri, Saleh Ali, Khatun, Sabira, Jantan, Adznan, Raja Abdullah, Raja Syamsul Azmir, Mahmud, Rozi, Awang, Zaiki

    Опубликовано 2011
    “...The experiment is conducted using commercial Ultrawide-Band (UWB) transceivers, Neural Network (NN) based Pattern Recognition (PR) software for imaging and homogenous breast phantom. ...”
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    Reduced graphene oxide uwb array sensor : High performance for brain tumor imaging and detection по Mohd Aminudin, Jamlos, Mohd Faizal, Jamlos, Wan Azani, Mustafa, Nur Amirah, Othman, Mohamad Nur Khairul Hafizi, Rohani, Syahrul Affandi, Saidi, Mohd Sharizan, Md Sarip, Mohd Al Hafiz, Mohd Nawi

    Опубликовано 2023
    “...A low cost, with high performance, reduced graphene oxide (RGO) Ultra-wide Band (UWB) array sensor is presented to be applied with a technique of confocal radar-based microwave imaging to recognize a tumor in a human brain. ...”
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    Efficacy of a wideband flexible antenna on a multilayer polymeric nanocomposites Fe3O4-PDMS substrate for wearable applications по Alqadami, Abdulrahman Shueai Mohsen, Jamlos, M. F., Mohd Aminudin, Jamlos

    Опубликовано 2019
    “...The antenna working within the frequency band of 5 GHz–8.2 GHz, with a fractional impedance (FBW) bandwidth of 50.34%. ...”
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    Sensing a buried resonant object by single-channel time reversal по Waters, ZJ, Dzikowicz, BR, Holt, RG, Roy, RA

    Опубликовано 2009
    “... <p style="text-align:justify;"> Scaled laboratory experiments are conducted to assess the efficacy of iterative, single-channel time reversal for enhancement of monostatic returns from resonant spheres in the free field and buried in a sediment phantom. Experiments are performed in a water tank using a broad-band piston transducer operating between 0.4 and 1.5 MHz and calibrated using free surface reflections. ...”
    Journal article
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    Quantum phase transition triggering magnetic bound states in the continuum in graphene по Kristinsson, Kristinn, Shelykh, Ivan A., Guessi, L. H., Marques, Y., Machado, R. S., Ricco, L. S., Figueira, M. S., de Souza, M., Seridonio, A. C.

    Опубликовано 2016
    “...Here, we explore the effects of nonlocal coupling characterized by the Fano factor of interference q0, tunable by changing the slope of the Dirac cones in the graphene band structure. We demonstrate that three distinct regimes can be identified: (i) for q0<qc1 (critical point) a mixed pseudogap Δ∝|ɛ|,|ɛ|2 appears yielding a phase with spin-degenerate BICs; (ii) near q0=qc1 when Δ∝|ɛ|2 the system undergoes a quantum phase transition (QPT) in which the new phase is characterized by magnetic BICs, and (iii) at a second critical value q0>qc2 the cubic scaling of the pseudogap with energy Δ∝|ɛ|3 characteristic to the phantom atom configuration is restored and the phase with nonmagnetic BICs is recovered. ...”
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    Journal Article