The interest of 'North Britain': Scottish lobbying, the Westminster Parliament, and the British Union-state, c.1760-c.1830
出版 2016“...<p>This thesis is a study of the role of Scots and Scottish society in the politics of the Westminster Parliament and the British Union-state during the later Georgian period. ...”
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The Attack of the Creolian Powers: West Indians at the Parliamentary Elections of Mid-Georgian Britain, 1754-74
出版 2014“...By 1750, a significant number of rich planters had relocated to Britain, and, in common with the Indian nabobs, their efforts to enter parliament aroused much adverse commentary at the elections of 1754–74. ...”
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Marta Czok URBE
出版 2024“...Continuing the collaboration with the Culture, Sciences, Education Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, which began with the exhibition De Innocentia in January 2024 on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Dr Jacek Ludwig Scarso with Georgiana Ionescu curated an anthological exhibition taken from its Permanent Collection, in a site-specific intervention in the Galleria dei Busti at the Italian Parliament’s Palazzo Montecitorio, Rome. ...”
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Senior military officers, politics, and the country estate in Britain, c. 1700-1750
出版 2018“...<p>This thesis investigates how senior military officers (generals and admirals) in the army and navy interacted with and integrated into elite society in late Stuart and early Georgian Britain both during their years of active service and afterwards. ...”
Thesis -
Data for 'Scottish Towns and Urban Society in the Enlightenment, c.1745-1820'
出版 2016“...Registers of inventories of settlements record house furniture and possessions on the most consistent basis, but these date only from the early nineteenth century, when clauses inserted in several acts of parliament obliged executors to lodge with the court full inventories of movable assets. ...”
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The labour movement in Clydeside politics, 1914-1922
出版 1972“...One highlight in the process was the visit of Lloyd George to Glasgow at Christmas and the suppression of the socialist <em>Forward</em> for the damage it was doing to dilution - including a full report of Lloyd George's hostile reception. ...”