One Hundred Years of Protecting the Cultural Heritage: The Lieber Code (1854) – The Hague Convention (1954)
Published 2020-06-01“…Great importance for this period is represented by the Lieber Code (1854), The Conventions of the Hague conferences (1899, 1907, and 1954) and the Roerich Pact (1935). …”
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Condicionantes locais no estudo do socorro mútuo (Rio Grande do Sul 1854-1889)
Published 1999-07-01“…O fenômeno na Província de São Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul entre 1854 e 1889 revela que a atividade comercial - sobretudo na froneira internacional-, a existência de imprensa e o relacionamento com as elites políticas estimula a associação de trabalhadores e imigrantes. …”
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New species and first record of Alloniscus Dana, 1854 (Isopoda: Oniscidae: Alloniscidae) from Brazil
Published 2018-06-01“…ABSTRACT The genus Alloniscus Dana, 1854 includes 23 known species occurring exclusively in littoral habitats. …”
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Un templo para la nación española: la Basílica del Pilar (1854-1940)
Published 2014-06-01Get full text
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The first chromosome-level genome of the stag beetle Dorcus hopei Saunders, 1854 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)
Published 2024-04-01Get full text
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Settlement of the barnacle Balanus trigonus Darwin, 1854, on Panulirus gracilis Streets, 1871, in western Mexico
Published 2019-12-01“…Abstract A large number of specimens (2765) of the acorn barnacle Balanus trigonus Darwin, 1854, were observed on the spiny lobster Panulirus gracilis Streets, 1871, in western Mexico, including recently settled cypris (1019 individuals or 37%) and encrusted specimens (1746) of different sizes: <1.99 mm, 88%; 1.99 to 2.82 mm, 8%; >2.82 mm, 4%). …”
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Capitalização da natureza e políticas ambientais na Província do Paraná (1854-1865)
Published 2022-01-01“…Portanto, dentro de nosso recorte temporal de 1854-1865, o presente projeto de pesquisa busca preencher a lacuna do campo da História Ambiental em relação às análises do poder legislativo. …”
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W. van den Hull, R. Padmos, Autobiografie (1778-1854), R. Padmos, ed.
Published 1998-01-01Get full text
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G.P.M. Pot, Arm Leiden. Levensstandaard, bedeling en bedeelden, 1750-1854
Published 1997-01-01Get full text
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Revisitando as origens do ensino de graduação em administração pública no Brasil (1854-1952)
Published 2014-04-01Get full text
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Las Aboliciones de la Esclavitud en Iberoamérica: El Caso Peruano (1812-1854)
Published 2014-01-01Get full text
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Neotipificación, descripción del nido y plantas que visita Myrmia Micrura (Gould, 1854)
Published 2022-06-01“…En el presente trabajo se presenta la neotipificación, el detalle de la estructura de los nidos, partes de las plantas que utiliza en su construcción y una lista de las especies de plantas que visita el colibrí colicorto Myrmia micrura (Gould, 1854).…”
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Conditional Clemency after the Golpe de Melo of 1854: Constitutionalism and Tradition in Early Republican Colombia
Published 2017-01-01“…This article examines indultos after the Golpe de Melo of 1854. While the government hoped that these acts of clemency would erase all traces of the rebellion, a flood of appeals for indultos ensured that the post-war reckoning went on longer than the war itself. …”
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Disciplinamiento y drama social en el Chile tradicional. Florida, Concepción, 1853-1854
Published 2016-01-01Get full text
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Fernando Martinez Hidalgo (1824-1901): Atividade docente no Rio de Janeiro (1854-1901)
Published 2019-09-01“…Com períodos de maior ou menor intensidade, esta prática perdurou durante as décadas seguintes, motivando a chegada do violonista espanhol Fernando Martinez Hidalgo, em 1854, ao Rio de Janeiro. Através do levantamento de fontes em periódicos oitocentistas (115 entradas), o artigo suscita dados biográficos e enfoca na análise de sua atividade docente, objetivando identificar possíveis contribuições deste personagem pouco conhecido para o panorama violonístico de seu tempo.…”
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