Showing 77,821 - 77,840 results of 78,502 for search '"1999"', query time: 0.35s Refine Results
  1. 77821

    Measurement report: The 10-year trend of PM<sub>2.5</sub> major components and source tracers from 2008 to 2017 in an urban site of Hong Kong, China by W. S. Chow, K. Liao, X. H. H. Huang, K. F. Leung, A. K. H. Lau, J. Z. Yu, J. Z. Yu

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…PM<span class="inline-formula"><sub>2.5</sub></span> was reduced by 40 % at <span class="inline-formula">−</span>1.5 <span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M10" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow class="unit"><mi mathvariant="normal">µ</mi><mi mathvariant="normal">g</mi><mspace linebreak="nobreak" width="0.125em"/><msup><mi mathvariant="normal">m</mi><mrow><mo>-</mo><mn mathvariant="normal">3</mn></mrow></msup><mspace linebreak="nobreak" width="0.125em"/><msup><mi mathvariant="normal">yr</mi><mrow><mo>-</mo><mn mathvariant="normal">1</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="56pt" height="15pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="d15118af536d6c7dfedeb7aa595ed5b7"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="acp-22-11557-2022-ie00001.svg" width="56pt" height="15pt" src="acp-22-11557-2022-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span>. …”
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  2. 77822

    TPHiPr: a long-term (1979–2020) high-accuracy precipitation dataset (1∕30°, daily) for the Third Pole region based on high-resolution atmospheric modeling and dense observations... by Y. Jiang, K. Yang, K. Yang, Y. Qi, X. Zhou, J. He, H. Lu, X. Li, Y. Chen, X. Li, B. Zhou, A. Mamtimin, C. Shao, X. Ma, J. Tian, J. Zhou

    Published 2023-02-01
    “…Accordingly, this study produces a long-term (1979–2020) high-resolution (<span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M3" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow><mn mathvariant="normal">1</mn><mo>/</mo><mn mathvariant="normal">30</mn></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="27pt" height="14pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="2f267da3b3e9353ce2f79fcf05d280d6"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="essd-15-621-2023-ie00003.svg" width="27pt" height="14pt" src="essd-15-621-2023-ie00003.png"/></svg:svg></span></span><span class="inline-formula"><sup>∘</sup></span>, daily) precipitation dataset (TPHiPr) for the TP by merging the atmospheric simulation-based ERA5_CNN with gauge observations from more than 9000 rain gauges, using the climatologically aided interpolation and random forest methods. …”
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  3. 77823

    Simulations of <sup>7</sup>Be and <sup>10</sup>Be with the GEOS-Chem global model v14.0.2 using state-of-the-art production rates by M. Zheng, M. Zheng, M. Zheng, H. Liu, H. Liu, F. Adolphi, F. Adolphi, R. Muscheler, Z. Lu, M. Wu, N. L. Prisle

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…The model can also reasonably simulate the stratosphere–troposphere exchange process of <span class="inline-formula"><sup>7</sup></span>Be and <span class="inline-formula"><sup>10</sup></span>Be by producing stratospheric contribution and <span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M19" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow class="chem"><msup><mi/><mn mathvariant="normal">10</mn></msup><mi mathvariant="normal">Be</mi><msup><mo>/</mo><mn mathvariant="normal">7</mn></msup><mi mathvariant="normal">Be</mi></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="49pt" height="15pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="e96a973b28b52d833fd6f0858772ee69"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="gmd-16-7037-2023-ie00001.svg" width="49pt" height="15pt" src="gmd-16-7037-2023-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span> ratio values that agree with measurements. …”
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  4. 77824
  5. 77825

    النوع الاجتماعي وعناصر الضبط الاجتماعي المؤثرة به في محافظة النجف by Abdul Ali Al-Khafaf, Ali Al-Mayali

    Published 2021-08-01
    “…ظهر مصطلح الجندر لأول مرة بشكل رسمي في وثيقة مؤتمر القاهرة للسكان عام 1994 في 51 موضعا وهذا ما جاء في الفقرة التاسعة عشرة من الماده الرابعة من نص الاعلان الذي دعا اِلى تحطيم كل التفرقة الجندرية وتمت ترجمته للغة العربية الى ( ذكر / انثى ) ( ) ، كما ظهر مرة أخرى بشكل أوضح في وثيقة بكين عام 1995 أذ تكرر 233 مرة ( ) وقد رفضت الدول الغربية في وثيقة مؤتمر بكين تعريف الجندر بالذكر والانثى و أصرت على استعمال هذا المصطلح ضمن مفهوم اجتماعي يشمل الحياة غير النمطية للسلوك الاجتماعي ، وفي مؤتمر روما اعلنت المحكمة الدولية الجنائية عام 1998 أنَ كل تفرقة أو عقاب على أساس الجندر يشمل جريمة ضد الانسانية , وتم التعامل مع هذا النص الذي جرى توقيعه ومتابعته من قبل الدول العربية بأنه الذكر والانثى في نطاق المجتمع ، و دعا مؤتمر لاهاي للشباب عام 1999 لتعليم الطلبة حقوقهم لتحطيم الصورة التقليدية السلبية للهوية الجندرية وذلك لإيضاح قضية الصحة الجنسية والإنجابية بدون التفرقة على اساس الجندر ، ان التمييز بين الجنس والنوع الاجتماعي وفقا للمتغيرات الاجتماعية او البايلوجية يجب ان يتم من خلال عدم انكار وجود الاختلافات البايلوجية بين المرأة والرجل وكذلك نبذ وانتقاد القوالب النمطية التي تعزى إليها هذه الاختلافات( ) ، ولمعرفة أهمية عناصر الضبط الاجتماعي يجب اولاً معرفة المجتمع بشكل عام والمجتمع العراقي ومجتمع البحث بشكل خاص …”
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  6. 77826

    Anticipatory Avoidance of Contract: CISG and Egyptian Law Compared by Amin Dawwas

    Published 2012-01-01
    “…The new Egyptian Commercial Code (ECC) No. 17 for the year 1999 has reformed the field. In Articles 88-118, it governs the commercial sale contract: Articles 88-103 include general rules and Articles 104-118 govern special types of sales contracts, including the supply contract. …”
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  7. 77827

    Development, intercomparison, and evaluation of an improved mechanism for the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide in the UKCA model by B. A. Cala, B. A. Cala, S. Archer-Nicholls, S. Archer-Nicholls, J. Weber, J. Weber, N. L. Abraham, N. L. Abraham, P. T. Griffiths, P. T. Griffiths, L. Jacob, Y. M. Shin, L. E. Revell, M. Woodhouse, A. T. Archibald, A. T. Archibald

    Published 2023-11-01
    “…We show that the sinks of HPMTF dominate uncertainty in the budget, not the rate of the isomerisation reaction forming it and that, based on the observed DMS <span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M1" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mo>/</mo></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="8pt" height="14pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="1b4178c77ca0d4bfee6c9ddd864f3a43"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="acp-23-14735-2023-ie00001.svg" width="8pt" height="14pt" src="acp-23-14735-2023-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span> HPMTF ratio from the global surveys during the NASA Atmospheric Tomography mission (ATom), rapid cloud uptake of HPMTF worsens the model–observation comparison. …”
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  8. 77828
  9. 77829

    Modeling daytime and nighttime secondary organic aerosol formation via multiphase reactions of biogenic hydrocarbons by S. Han, M. Jang

    Published 2023-01-01
    “…The nighttime isoprene SOA formation was processed mainly by the NO<span class="inline-formula"><sub>3</sub></span>-driven oxidation, yielding higher SOA mass than daytime at higher NO<span class="inline-formula"><sub><i>x</i></sub></span> level (isoprene <span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M15" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mo>/</mo></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="8pt" height="14pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="7572a9d7afeaa92ba0e8bb6f686362bd"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="acp-23-1209-2023-ie00001.svg" width="8pt" height="14pt" src="acp-23-1209-2023-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span> NO<span class="inline-formula"><sub><i>x</i></sub></span> <span class="inline-formula">&lt;</span> 5 ppb C ppb<span class="inline-formula"><sup>−1</sup></span>). …”
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  10. 77830

    Analysis of seismic strain release related to the tidal stress preceding the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake by X. Chen, Y. Li, L. Chen

    Published 2022-08-01
    “…For earthquakes (<span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M1" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow><mn mathvariant="normal">2.5</mn><mo>≤</mo><msub><mi>M</mi><mi mathvariant="normal">L</mi></msub><mo>≤</mo><mn mathvariant="normal">4.0</mn></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="72pt" height="12pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="f5dd0b4792ed3a62c8bcf39ddbf8ae97"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="nhess-22-2543-2022-ie00001.svg" width="72pt" height="12pt" src="nhess-22-2543-2022-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span>) that occurred in and around the focal region from January 1990 to April 2008, we calculated the time rate of TCFS, <span class="inline-formula">Δ</span>TCFS, at the occurrence time of each earthquake. …”
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  11. 77831

    Photoaging of phenolic secondary organic aerosol in the aqueous phase: evolution of chemical and optical properties and effects of oxidants by W. Jiang, W. Jiang, C. Niedek, C. Niedek, C. Anastasio, C. Anastasio, Q. Zhang, Q. Zhang

    Published 2023-06-01
    “…Although photoaging generally increases the oxidation of aqSOA, a slightly decreased <span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M9" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow class="chem"><mi mathvariant="normal">O</mi><mo>/</mo><mi mathvariant="normal">C</mi></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="25pt" height="14pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="2d701307792a5d4aaa1969bac80319e2"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="acp-23-7103-2023-ie00001.svg" width="25pt" height="14pt" src="acp-23-7103-2023-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span> of the •OH-aqSOA is observed after 48 h of prolonged photoaging with additional •OH exposure. …”
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  12. 77832

    Partitioning of carbon export in the euphotic zone of the oligotrophic South China Sea by Y. Ma, K. Zhou, W. Chen, J. Chen, J.-Y. T. Yang, M. Dai

    Published 2023-06-01
    “…By combining 1D steady-state <span class="inline-formula"><sup>234</sup></span>Th fluxes and <span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M12" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow class="chem"><mi mathvariant="normal">POC</mi><msup><mo>/</mo><mn mathvariant="normal">234</mn></msup><mi mathvariant="normal">Th</mi></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="58pt" height="15pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="6b27faab13773d0c20df42b0808a5127"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="bg-20-2013-2023-ie00001.svg" width="58pt" height="15pt" src="bg-20-2013-2023-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span> ratios, we derived vertical patterns of POC export fluxes. …”
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  13. 77833

    Tax Issues and Tax Treatment of the Societas Europaea by Sanaa Kadi

    Published 2013-01-01
    “…Since the famous case of Centros10 in 1999 until the Sevic11 case in 2005, the Court has recognized the right for a company to register in any state it wants and then not to exercise its activities in this state but to carry out the entirety of its activities through a subsidiary based in another state (Centros). …”
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  14. 77834

    Greenhouse gas fluxes in mangrove forest soil in an Amazon estuary by S. E. M. Castellón, S. E. M. Castellón, J. H. Cattanio, J. H. Cattanio, J. F. Berrêdo, J. F. Berrêdo, M. Rollnic, M. D. L. Ruivo, M. D. L. Ruivo, C. Noriega

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…Soil organic matter, carbon and nitrogen ratio (<span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M26" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow class="chem"><mi mathvariant="normal">C</mi><mo>/</mo><mi mathvariant="normal">N</mi></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="24pt" height="14pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="8725ae65470e234eff21f8ef1c73fbb0"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="bg-19-5483-2022-ie00001.svg" width="24pt" height="14pt" src="bg-19-5483-2022-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span>), and redox potential influenced the annual and seasonal variation of CO<span class="inline-formula"><sub>2</sub></span> emissions; however, they did not affect CH<span class="inline-formula"><sub>4</sub></span> fluxes. …”
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  15. 77835

    Study on Storability of Afghan Local Onions (Allium cepa L.) at Two Thermal Conditions by S.A. Yaqoobi, H. Neamati, M. Azizi, M. Shoor

    Published 2022-05-01
    “…Rivera Martínez et al. (2005) and Ramin (1999) also reported Spanish and Iranian local cultivars had more storability compared to commercial cultivars. …”
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  16. 77836

    Comparative genomic analysis of plasmids harboring blaOXA-48-like genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae by Wang Li, Wang Li, Hengzhao Guo, Yi Gao, Xiaofan Yang, Ruirui Li, Shuangyu Li, Chunlong Sun, Chunlong Sun, Wen Du, Wen Du, Shaopeng Chen, Shaopeng Chen, Pengpeng Xu, Pengpeng Xu, Wenwen Huang, Wenwen Huang, Jia Shi, Xinfeng Yi, Xiaobin Li

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…In K. pneumoniae, blaOXA-48 was mainly carried by the composite transposon Tn1999.2 located on IncL/M-type conjugative plasmids, which were mainly geographically distributed in Switzerland, Germany, and China. …”
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  17. 77837

    The Task and Ministry of Peacemaking in Mindanao: Understanding a Peacemaker’s Recipe for Peace by Noel Asiones

    Published 2020-03-01
    “…The Common Task: A Theology of Christian Mission, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1999 Vermeer, Paul & van der Ven, Johannes A.Students’ Moral Consciousness, Journal of Empirical Theology 15 (2002), 54-75. …”
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  18. 77838

    Acoustic Correlations of Speech Rhythms in Persian Based on Variability of Between-speakers Characteristics by Nafiseh Taghva, Amirsaeid Moloodi, Vahideh Abolhasani Zadeh

    Published 2020-09-01
    “…Ramus, Nesper, and Mahler (1999) examined this hypothesis by measuring the standard deviation of vocalic (∆V) and consonantal intervals (∆C) as well as the percentage of vocalic intervals (%V) for each sentence. …”
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  19. 77839

    Lexical Features of Verb Aspects in Laki Dialect of Darehshahr (Ilam) by Yaser Lotfi, Habib Gowhary, gholamhosein karimi- dustan, Akbar Azizifar

    Published 2020-09-01
    “…This is consistent with the findings of Filip (1999).…”
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  20. 77840

    Tetrahedrite-(Cd), Cu<sub>6</sub>(Cu<sub>4</sub>Cd<sub>2</sub>)Sb<sub>4</sub>S<sub>13</sub>, from Radětice near Příbram, Czech Republic: the new Cd member of the tetrahedrite grou... by J. Sejkora, C. Biagioni, P. Škácha, P. Škácha, S. Musetti, A. V. Kasatkin, F. Nestola

    Published 2023-11-01
    “…Tennantite-(Cd) is cubic, <span class="inline-formula"><math xmlns="" id="M24" display="inline" overflow="scroll" dspmath="mathml"><mrow><mi>I</mi><mover accent="true"><mn mathvariant="normal">4</mn><mo mathvariant="normal">‾</mo></mover><mn mathvariant="normal">3</mn><mi>m</mi></mrow></math><span><svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="28pt" height="13pt" class="svg-formula" dspmath="mathimg" md5hash="0701c8d7871ba37ad657b69cd7456c02"><svg:image xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="ejm-35-897-2023-ie00001.svg" width="28pt" height="13pt" src="ejm-35-897-2023-ie00001.png"/></svg:svg></span></span>, with unit-cell parameters <span class="inline-formula"><i>a</i>=10.504(3)</span> Å, <span class="inline-formula"><i>V</i>=1158.9(9)</span> Å<span class="inline-formula"><sup>3</sup></span>, and <span class="inline-formula"><i>Z</i>=2</span>. …”
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