Defining 'Housing Developer' and 'Housing Development' under Malaysian Housing Law
Published 2010“…Thus they are not required to abide by the provisions of the Act. Conversely, persons who may have been initially deemed not to have undertaken activities of ‘housing developer’ or carrying out ‘housing development’, yet based on the principles adopted and defined in section 3 of the Act and the judgments in the case law, have rendered them not to have fallen into the meaning of ‘housing developers’ and/or carrying out ‘housing development’ and thus are subject to the provisions and obligations provided in the Act. …”
Book -
Social Cooperation and Disharmony in Communities Mediated through Common Pool Resource Exploitation
Published 2017“…It was theorized that when a society exploits a shared resource, the system can undergo extreme phase transition from full cooperation in abiding by a social agreement, to full defection from it. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2013“…It should be followed by determination of all stakeholders abiding the vision. All of this will facillitate to manage and conduct programmes for better Malioboro…”
Thesis -
Language practice and language ideology on linguistic landscape in Malaysia
Published 2021“…In order to avoid making signboards that defy the language policy, new signboards submitted for approval should abide to the standard operation procedure set by the local authorities.…”
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Article -
Challenges in overcoming the use of topic fronting among TESL trainees in Malaysia
Published 2021“…The issue is that, despite being an achievement communication strategy, topic fronting does not abide by the English language grammatical rule. Thus, a high use of this strategy among ESL learners might affect them adversely especially in academic discourse. …”
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Article -
Evaluation on effect of abrasive blasting media to the environment and human safety and health
Published 2020“…Since the sand blasting particles are small, and the failure of some workers to abide tight regulation, has made the workers prone to health and safety problems. …”
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Book Section -
Safety assessment of autonomous vehicles using simulations
Published 2018“…Self-driving cars are envisioned as robots capable of precise driving, never getting distracted, abiding to all the traffic rules and being able to compute the probability of an imminent collision well in advance. …”
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Thesis -
The implementation of the Council of Trent: the provincial councils of Granada and Toledo, 1565-1566
Published 2020“…However, at Toledo and Granada problems arose which threatened to derail the proceedings, reinforcing the awareness that the Tridentine decrees had to be adapted to deal with the specific problems of the Church in Spain and in these two kingdoms.</p> <p>However, abiding by the king’s rules and protecting his rights according to the patronato were also necessary. …”
Thesis -
Dispensing with Style
Published 2013“…The virtues expressed in the idea of ‘plain style’ were at the heart of his sense of how good writing is to be distinguished from bad, and in many aspects of his writing he both abided by them himself and encouraged (or directed) others to do so.…”
Book section -
Formal relationships in sequential object systems
Published 2010“…If an object's invariant relies on external objects for its conditions, correct operations which abide by their specifications modifying these external objects may violate the constraint. …”
Thesis -
Equality and global justice
Published 2012“…They maintain that egalitarian obligations of justice apply only to those people who are subject to the same sovereign authority which coerces them to abide by its rules; or to those who contribute to the preservation of each other’s autonomy through collectively sustaining a state; or to those who belong to the same nation. …”
Thesis -
Reading the Qur’an in light of the Manār
Published 2019“…In this context, the author often seems to use tradition in a way that serves the purpose of advancing his own agenda as a social reformer, although he does so in an arguably subtle and nuanced fashion. On the one hand, abiding by certain traditional exegetical rules allows him to showcase his own scholarly credentials to participate in the long-standing <em>tafsīr</em> genre. …”
Thesis -
Preferences in between: moderates in the Catalan secessionist conflict
Published 2021“…Finally, using an embedded survey experiment, we find that pro-autonomy individuals are more trusting of both the central and regional governments regarding their abiding by an agreement to resolve the conflict, and are less easily “polarized” through priming. …”
Journal article -
Developing the theoretical foundation for faith-based reentry programming in the United States
Published 2014“…Finally, the dissertation recommends ways in which faith-based programs may partner with government while remaining effective, abiding by the law, and addressing infrastructural and capacity-related needs.…”
Thesis -
East-west dialogue on Jalaluddin Rumi and Ralph Waldo Emerson in relation to mysticism
Published 2013“…On the other hand,the American transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), shares common mystical and philosophical roots in his collected works of the first and second series, despite his geographical distance and abiding in a quite different historical epoch. Although we cannot call Emerson, a mystic, this comparative study excavated the meaning and origin of these concepts and investigates them in the works of both writers.…”
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Thesis -
Non-discrimination environment at the workplace as a corporate responsibility: A legal point of view
Published 2010“…Being the employers, they must abide by the implied duties of trust, confidence and respectful to the employees. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Autonomous Vehicle Navigation in Rural Environments Without Detailed Prior Maps
Published 2021“…Next, the local perception system generates a feasible trajectory in the vehicle frame to reach the waypoint while abiding by the rules of the road for the segment being traversed. …”
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Article -
Exchange Rate Proclamations and Inflation-Fighting Credibility
Published 2012“…We use data on 110 developed and developing countries from 1974 to 2004 to test two hypotheses: first, that governments that adopt de facto fixed exchange rates will experience less inflation when they back up their actions with official declarations; and second, that governments that abide by their commitments—as demonstrated by a history of following through on their public declarations of a fixed exchange rate regime—will establish greater inflation-fighting credibility. …”
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Article -
Network analysis on neuro-imaging data using functional connectivity
Published 2024“…The Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) dataset was used, comprising of a similar number of ASD and control subjects. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Divorce as a mode to resolve matrimonial conflict - the first or the last resort?
Published 2010“…In dealing with a nusyuz (recalcitrant) wife, Islam teaches its followers to abide by three important steps that should be taken before proceeding to other courses. …”
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