Attitudes of Acehnese People towards Acehnese Proverbs in Relation to Education
Published 2015-03-01Get full text
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Conspiracy Beliefs and Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Acehnese People
Published 2023-01-01Get full text
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Ecology of Political Communication of Acehnese People towards 2024 Local Election
Published 2021-11-01Get full text
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Which is the most appropriate parenting style for the adolescents’ self-esteem among Acehnese people?
Published 2021-02-01“…This research aimed to identify the parenting styles practiced by the Acehnese people, the level of adolescents’ self-esteem in Aceh, and the correlation between four parenting styles and adolescents’ self-esteem. …”
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Published 2022-12-01Subjects: Get full text
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The Politics of Civilizing the Colony: Haji Hasan Mustapa’s Malay Guidebook on the Etiquette for Acehnese People towards the Dutch in the Netherland East Indies
Published 2020-12-01“…Using a philological analysis, this study suggests that the Dutch authority utilized the native officials to write the etiquette guidebook on speaking and behavior to civilize Acehnese people. Hasan Mustapa’s work on etiquette shows that he played an important role in maintaining the Dutch honor and bridging the interests of the Dutch colonial government in its colony, the Netherland East Indies. …”
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The Learning of Pancasila Seen from the Perspective of Islam in Aceh: What Lessons Can Be Learned?
Published 2022-12-01Subjects: Get full text
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AL-‘ULAMĀ’ WARATHAT AL-ANBIYĀ’: Modernity and Nurture of Authority in Aceh Society
Published 2019-12-01Subjects: Get full text
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Peusijuek Local Wisdom Resilience of the Acehnese Within the Cultural Globalization Discourse
Published 2022-12-01“…This research is an effort to explain the experiences of acehnese people in defending local culture from the rapid flow of cultural globalization. …”
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Peran Hikayat dalam Perang Kolonial di Aceh 1873-1912: Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis Terhadap Hikayat Perang Sabil
Published 2022-12-01“… The purpose of this study is to find, assess, and analyze the correlation of the role of the Hikayat War Sabil by Teungku Chik Pante Kulu and the spirit of the Acehnese people in the Colonial War of 1873-1912 in Aceh. …”
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Kajian Diaspora Kebudayaan Dan Identiti Masyarakat Aceh Di Yan Kedah
Published 2016“…The informants were the Acehnese important people and other Acehnese people from Kampung Acheh, and the non-Acehnese people living in Yan. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2022-12-01“…Therefore, the collective memory about the relationship between Islam and politics, as well as the construction, then has implications in the lives of the Acehnese people in closely viewing those from various aspects. …”
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An Investigation of Proxemic Behavior among Acehnese in Public Places
Published 2018-12-01“…This study aims to investigate the proximity levels used by Acehnese people when communicating with other people. …”
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Acehnese Local Wisdom Through the Lens of Acehnese Novelists During the Times of Political Conflict and Peace Agreement
Published 2023-05-01“…Acehnese novelists have a role in expressing and preserving the socio-cultural conditions of the Acehnese people in Aceh, Indonesia, especially regarding the points of local wisdom in their works. …”
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Development of a Gymnastics Movement through Exploration of the Cultural Values of the Aceh Rampoe Dance in Langsa City
Published 2021-06-01“…At each movement and the translation of the meanings contained in the Rampoe dance, it shows a variety of life messages related to the orientation of cultural values, namely first, the connection between the essence of a life of the Acehnese people (MH), and secondly related to the nature of the relationship between the Acehnese people and others. human (MM). …”
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The Morphology of Rencong Aceh in the Museum of Aceh
Published 2019-12-01“… As a fascinating weapon, Rencong Aceh cannot be separated from the life of Acehnese people. In order to describe the morphology of which, a qualitative method was implemented to collect the data through observation, interview and document analysis. …”
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Aceh's special autonomy in the perspective of asymmetric decentralization policies
Published 2021-10-01“…Thus, an asymmetric decentralization policy is needed so that it can meet the demands of the Acehnese people, which historically, geographically, and socio-religiously have their own uniqueness and have made a major contribution to the struggle to achieve and maintain Indonesian independence.…”
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Islamic Utopianism and Political Reality: Ali Hasjmy Reconsidered
Published 2021-07-01“…Hasjmy is an intellectual who has produced many works in the topics of politics, literature, and culture that are very useful for the progress and welfare of the Acehnese people and the Indonesian nation in general. …”
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Politik Hukum Terhadap Qanun Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hukum Jinayah
Published 2020-05-01“…The people of Aceh in a fairly long history has made Islam as a way of life and part of the Acehnese people. One application of Islamic law in force in Aceh today is arranged in the form of Qanun. …”
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Acehnese adolescents’ awareness of Acehnese idiom and simile
Published 2019-10-01“…Acehnese language is rich in its figurative languages such as in forms of idioms and similes. Acehnese people have been magnifying the idioms and similes over decades to soften utterances, and they are inherited from generation to generation. …”
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