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    La competencia intercultural y la competencia pragmática en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera (ELE)Pragmatic competence and intercultural competence in Spanish language teachingMałgorzata Spychała-WawrzyniakUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Polonia)ía del Carmen Suñén BernalLeuphana Universität Lüneburg (Alemania)sunen-bernal@leuphana.deAbstract The main purpose of this article is to present the development and evolution of two fundamental compo-nents of the communicative competence in the teaching of foreign languages: pragmatics and intercul-turality. We will analyze different visions of pragmatic competence and intercultural competence, which are sometimes treated as synonymous concepts. We will focus our attention on the problems observed in class as a consequence of the great diversity of cultural contexts in which Spanish is learned, highlighting the importance of activating the development of both competences in class and the need to learn to nego-tiate linguistic and cultural meanings within a cultural context different from that of the target language. Finally, we will present the results of a study carried out with students from a Polish and a German uni-versity, whose objective was to analyze the previous attitudes of students from different faculties towards two competences that should always go hand in hand: pragmatics and interculturality. Keywords: communicative competence,intercultural competence, pragmatic competence, Spanish learning StRoP 48(2), 2021: 5–17. © The Author(s), Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 2021. Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the CC licence (BY-NC-SA, by Małgorzata Spychała-Wawrzyniak

    Published 2021-06-01
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    ROSSEND ARÚS I ARDERIU, TEATRE COMPLET I. 1865-1873 (ED. DE MAGÍ SUNYER).TARRAGONA: PUBLICACIONS DE LA UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI / EDICIONS DE LA UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA / BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA ARÚS – AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA, 2019Aquest és el primer volum del projecte d’edició del teatre complet de Rossend Arús i Arderiu (1845-1891), escriptor català del segle XIX, dramaturg popular, repu-blicà catalanista, lliurepensador i maçó. Una figura que no pertany al nucli d’or de la literatura catalana vuitcentista, però que és important per poder conèixer què va ser, precisament, la literatura catalana del XIX. El projecte d’edició del teatre de Rossend Arús, del qual s’ocupa Magí Sunyer, professor de literatura catalana de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, s’emmarca en un projecte més general, que és l’edició de tota l’obra completa de l’autor, dirigida per l’historiador Pere Gabriel i promoguda per la Biblioteca Pública Arús de Barcelona. El corpus teatral de l’escriptor barceloní, constituït per 52 obres –algunes editades en la seva època i d’altres no– formarà un conjunt de 4 volums, editats en col·laboració, com aquest primer, per les Publicacions de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, les Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona i la mateixa Biblioteca Pública Arús.La primera observació que cal fer és que aquest projecte representa un pas im-portant en el terreny bàsic de la documentació dels estudis literaris. Massa sovint la recerca en història de la literatura no pot progressar prou perquè els materials que cal analitzar són inaccessibles o són d’accés difícil o restringit, de manera que els inves-tigadors han d’invertir molt de temps per arribar a realitzar una tasca tan senzilla com és la lectura o consulta d’obres literàries. Per tant, el fet de posar a l’abast del públic, dels estudiosos i dels professionals del teatre tot el conjunt de les peces dramàtiques de Rossend Arús –que ara per ara constituirà, doncs, la col·lecció més extensa de teatre vuitcentista català a l’abast del lector actual– ja és una aportació que cal cele-brar. Més encara si, com és el cas, moltes d’aquestes obres van quedar inèdites i els StRoP 48(3), 2021: 149–150. © The Author(s), Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 2021. Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the CC licence (BY-NC-SA, by Jordi Ginebra

    Published 2021-09-01
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    The Structure of a Legal Norm System by Zygmunt Ziembiński

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a section of the Adam Mickiewicz University devoted to the achievements of the Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    Improving Administrative Proceedings by Zbigniew Janowicz

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a section of the Adam Mickiewicz University devoted to the achievements of the Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    Precedents as a Source of Land Law in Poland’s Past by Bogdan Lesiński

    Published 2019-09-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    Preliminaries to the Study of Morality and Law by Czesław Znamierowski

    Published 2019-09-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    On the Concept of an Organ of State by Karol Marian Pospieszalski

    Published 2019-09-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    The Position of Local Self-Government in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland by Teresa Rabska

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a newly established section of the Adam Mickiewicz University devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    Economic Origins of the Partitions by Jan Rutkowski

    Published 2019-09-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    The Coming Together of Astronomy and Economics by Roch Knapowski

    Published 2019-09-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Ad-ministration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    Lex and Ius in the Period of Transformation by Zygmunt Ziembiński

    Published 2019-09-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achieve-ments of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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    A Few Remarks on the Theory of Finance by Jan Zdzitowiecki

    Published 2019-09-01
    “…The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. …”
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