Principles of administrative and legal support for the functioning and development of juvenile justice
Published 2019-12-01“…These principles inherit the basic features inherent in the principles of administrative law and are determined by the axiology of this branch of law. …”
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Maritime Policy: Administrative and Legal Measurement in the Context of the Realization of the Maritime Doctrine of Ukraine
Published 2019-02-01“…Such administration is carried out in forms and though the methods, which are regulated by administrative law. At the same time, the national state in the public administration of the maritime area is bound with the rules and requirements of international legal acts on the law of the sea, starting with the general provisions on the State’s jurisdiction in the coastal waters, ending up with specific requirements regarding the acting procedures of the respective state authorities. …”
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Problemy związane z definicją lasu w polskim systemie prawnym
Published 2019-12-01“… The article touches upon the controversies around the defi nition of a forest contained in the provision of Article 3 of the Act of 28 September 1991 on forests, present in the doctrine as well as in judicial decisions in administrative law. The interpretation of the above provision is analysed and the views presented in the doctrine and the judicial rulings, which sometimes include contradicting arguments, are examined. …”
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Legal principles of counteraction to corruption and organized crime and the place of administrative and legal regulation among them
Published 2020-06-01“…The emphasis has been placed on the fact that if we consider the system of legal principles for combating corruption and organized crime, they mostly consist of the rules of administrative law, since they regulate organizational forms of combating corruption and organized crime as a special activity of public authorities, determine the competence of each of the subject of combating corruption and organized crime, establish structural and system aspects of such activities, establish features of control and supervision over the process of its implementation, etc. …”
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Trybunalskie i sądowe stosowanie zasady „ignorantia iuris nocet” na gruncie praktyki orzeczniczej w Polsce
Published 2018-03-01“…In cases involving the ignorance of the law, both the Constitutional Court and other courts commonly recognise and apply, within the scope of their competence, the principle of ignorantia iuris nocet. Administrative law takes a particular stance on the application of this principle. …”
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Published 2022-10-01“…The current Euroregion “Dunarea de Jos”, created by the mentioned subnational territorial collectivities has a historical precedent - the “Dunarea de Jos” Land, which existed within the Romanian state between 1938-1940. Through the Administrative Law no. 2919, published in the Official Gazette no. 187 from August 14, 1938 the counties from Romania were grouped in 10 lands. …”
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Methods of public management in the National police of Ukraine: a general theoretical approach
Published 2018-11-01“…Based on the research of scientific works on the theory of state governance, administrative law, administrative management, public management, the author has formulated own definition of the concept of «methods of public management within the agencies of the National Police of Ukraine», which are methods and approaches of authoritative and management influence management applied by authorized entities within their competence aimed at streamlining the organizational structure of the system of the National Police of Ukraine, planning, preparation, development, execution and implementation of management decisions, organization of the work of the management apparatus, implementation of documentary, informational, personnel, psychological provision of the activities of the agencies and units of the National Police. …”
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Review of a New Textbook On International Law Shumiliov V.M. "International Law": textbook.-Moscow: Pubbshing house "Welby", 2007,486 p.
Published 2007-03-01“…For example, the author advances the hypothesis that there are several branches and institutions of international law which are in the process of formation such as international administrative law. The book also includes such topics as state interests, ideological basis of the elaboration of international legal norms.The fact that deserves attention is that for the first time in the textbook of this kind a list of suggested topics for PhD theses is published. …”
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Fictitious (Implied) Administrative Acts: Prospects of Integration Into Russian Legislation
Published 2022-10-01“…It is pointed out that the term “fictitious administrative act” borrowed from German administrative law is not appropriate for Russian law. As a substitute for it, another term is offered — “implied administrative act”. …”
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The Elusive Search for Accountability: Evaluating Adjudicative Tribunals
Published 2010-10-01“…The authors discuss the relative dearth of empirical study in administrative law and argue that it ought to be the focus of the discussion on accountability in administrative justice.…”
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External Migration and Asylum Management: Accountability for Executive Action Outside EU-territory
Published 2017-11-01“…. | (Abstract) EU migration and asylum law, an area of administrative law par excellence, has from the moment that the EU acquired competences in this field, had a very strong external dimension. …”
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The Right to Good Administration. Axiological Aspects of Good Administration
Published 2019-12-01“…Certainly, it is essential, for the shaping of public order in a state, to establish the standards of good administration and axiological basis for the legal system of administrative law, both in the formal-legal and systemic aspect and the substantive-law domain. …”
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Formation of the Concept of “Administrative Act” in the European Administrative-Legal Doctrine
Published 2023-09-01“…The article focuses on the formation of the main approaches to the content of the concept of an administrative act in European administrative law. The subject of the analysis is either the rule of law or the doctrine of France, Germany, Italy and Spain. …”
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Disqualification from driving: enforcement in Russia
Published 2021-10-01“…They are not eliminated in the draft of the new Russian Code of Administrative Offences.The methodology of research is the provisions of the general theory of law, the modern science of administrative law and the theory of public administration. …”
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The influence of the concept of the significance of private interests of humans and citizens on the system of public governance
Published 2022-06-01“…The results of the study can be used in further administrative and legal studies of public administration issues in the preparation of lectures and training sessions on administrative law.…”
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Judicial Preview on the Bill on International Treaty Ratification
Published 2017-08-01“…The benefits of a judicial preview shall be a solution to connect an ambiguity between the state administrative law and international law. The judicial preview is also the inter-state institutions real check and balance on the international treaty. …”
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Law Enforcement Activity of the National Guard of Ukraine on Ensuring Public Security and Order: Problems and Ways of Their Solution
Published 2019-06-01“…To address organizational issues, it is advisable to strengthen the legal training of the NGU military personnel, in particular in the field of administrative law and procedure, tactical and communicative training; to provide the necessary logistics, including the equipment of the NGU employees, with the means of external identification (badges indicating the special token number).…”
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Wykonywanie zadań publicznych jako determinanta podmiotowych granic publicznego prawa podmiotowego dostępu do informacji publicznej
Published 2023-12-01“…At the same time, this analysis justifies the conclusion that the theoretical constructions of administrative law, apart from their obvious scientific value, also have operational significance, and the need or even necessity to use the method of doctrinal interpretation in the area of this law seems obvious. …”
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Politicas Públicas e Administração Democrática
Published 2012-07-01“…The article tries to promote an approach into the public administration, pointing its focus on the new institute of policies – if we are allowed to call it this way –, with the purpose of obtaining the necessary researches in various different areas of Constitutional Law and Administrative LawResumo: O presente estudo tem o propósito de analisar fundamentos conceituais referentes às políticas públicas a partir de seu surgimento, no contexto das alterações surgidas no modelo tradicional de administração pública, notadamente no início do século XX, conferindo ênfase aos postulados da legalidade, da legitimação e dos procedimentos de construção das referidas policies, buscando conhecer de algumas das considerações teóricas que embasam ou explicam seu modus faciendi ou suas características. …”
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