Liverworts of Alagoas State, Brazil Hepáticas do Estado de Alagoas, Brasil
Published 2008-09-01“…A list of liverworts from Alagoas State was compiled and is presented here. …”
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Dairy farming in the state of Alagoas / A pecuária leiteira no estado de Alagoas
Published 2017-05-01“…Alagoas is among the four states that produce the most milk: Pernambuco, 95 million; Alagoas, 52 million; Bahia, 50 million and Ceará with 38 million. …”
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Performance of the beef cattle in Alagoas state Desempenho de Bovinos no Estado de Alagoas
Published 2008-06-01“…This work was conducted to evaluate the performance of calves Nellore and cross and to study the influence of the fixed effects on performance of these animals in the State of Alagoas. The traits were studied weight at birth (WB), the weaning weight (WW), daily weight gain of birth to weaning (GBW). …”
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Leprosy in the elderly population of Alagoas
Published 2018-10-01“…Abstract Objective: to describe the epidemiological profile of elderly persons with leprosy in the state of Alagoas. Method: a descriptive epidemiological study of leprosy cases among the elderly reported to the Disease Notification Information System between 2005 and 2015 was carried out. …”
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Published 2021-01-01“…hispaperanalyzesthedeterminantsofeducationperformanceofstudentslocatedintheStateofAlagoas.Thedependentvariableconsideredisthescoresobtainedbythe5thgradeelementaryschool’sstudentsonMathtestsand,asexplanatoryfactorsofthestudent’sperformance,theschoolenvironmentcharacteristics,familycharacteristics,andindividualfactorsofthestudents.Theemployedmethodologyuseahierarchicalormultilevelmodel,moreindicatedtodealwiththehierarchicalnatureofeducationaldata.Ingeneral,theresultsindicatethatindividual and family characteristics like gender, color, mother ́s education, working condition, doing homework influenced proficiency.Amongtheschool’svariables,highlighttherelevanceofschools’physicalinfrastructureandtheimportanceofteacherswithabachelor'sdegree.Therefore, weconcluded that the grade in mathematics in the analyzed series is highly influenced by the student's attributes, but schoolsalso add value to the students' performance. …”
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Análise dos padrões de vento no Estado de Alagoas Wind patterns analysis in Alagoas State
Published 2012-03-01“…Com o objetivo de identificar áreas do Estado de Alagoas com boas perspectivas de aproveitamento eólico, comparou-se dados de velocidade e direção do vento observados por torres anemométricas do projeto Atlas Eólico e Disseminação da Tecnologia Eólica no Estado de Alagoas. …”
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A trajetória da ABEn - Alagoas
Published 2001-06-01“…Este artigo traça a trajetória da ABEn-AL e a sua influência na organização da enfermagem no estado, já que foi fundada muito antes de haver curso de graduação em enfermagem em Alagoas e antes da existência de qualquer outra entidade de classe, constituindo-se assim um marco decisivo tanto na organização como no desencadeamento das lutas da categoria no Estado de Alagoas.…”
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Ictiofauna and fishing in the surroundines of Penedo, Alagoas
Published 2011-02-01Get full text
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Profile of intoxication of farmers by agrochemicals in Alagoas / Perfil de intoxicação dos agricultores por agrotóxicos em Alagoas
Published 2018-09-01Subjects: Get full text
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Alagoas Archaeological Sites: Preservation Challenges and Research / Sítios arqueológicos de Alagoas: desafios na preservação e pesquisas
Published 2016-11-01“…This article displays some research in archaeological sites established in the State of Alagoas. We tried to show the importance of such research to know the history of the localities where they found the findings, is also done an analysis and reflection on the pitfalls to be detected practiced these surveys, in which nature can cause setbacks, however, the man is usually the main obstacle, in addition, an assessment was made on the preservation of these archaeological sites which often suffer from neglect or action of malicious individuals or lack of information on the subject, it was shown that the joint research in Alagoas they all gained positive results with various findings and cataloged traces, all with degree of great importance to the state and its population, however, seek to give a general approach of Alagoas explicit examples of obstacles faced in each middle region of the state, thereby hope to have assisted in addressing these challenges and stimulated studies in this field of knowledge.…”
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Homicides in Alagoas - Brazil: A spatial analysis
Published 2022-12-01Subjects: Get full text
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Analysis of the effects of the stream confluence on the Alagoas Aqueduct
Published 2018-03-01“…ABSTRACT The project of the Canal do Sertão (Alagoas Aqueduct) is an important step toward social and economic development in the semiarid region of Alagoas State in Brazil. …”
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Diagnóstico dos estabelecimentos agropecuários de Alagoas
Published 2021-05-01“…RESUMO: O Estado de Alagoas, com população de 3,1 milhões de habitantes distribuídos em 27,8 mil km2, apresenta diferentes desigualdades socioeconômica e ambiental, principalmente no meio rural. …”
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Rotacismo em Alagoas: uma análise variacionista
Published 2023-01-01“… Investiga-se neste trabalho, o fenômeno do rotacismo em Alagoas, à luz dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da sociolinguística variacionista (LABOV, 2008; WIENREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006). …”
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Social Technology for Restoration of Springs in the state of Alagoas
Published 2021-02-01“…Spring preservation actions have become indispensable, since they are currently considered as a natural resource of very high economic value, in this context the Regional Agricultural Cooperative of Palmeira dos Índios was created, with the objective of water recovery and preservation in the State of Alagoas. Therefore, this research analyzed, through the elaboration of bibliographic research, technical reports and booklets, a data survey to identify the number of springs recovered by the Cooperative, which over the years has developed a leading role, promoting agro-development. social, productive, economic and environmental in the state of Alagoas, serving family, indigenous and quilombola farmers, as they provide technical assistance and rural extension services, aiming at strengthening family farming and the sustainable development of the families served by the institution, generating improvement in their conditions and quality of life. …”
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Development Perspectives from Creative Entrepreneurship in Alagoas / Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento a partir do Empreendedorismo Criativo em Alagoas
Published 2018-03-01“…The objective of this study is to present some considerations on the so-called creative economy and it’s development in the State of Alagoas, in the face of the State's economic development prospects. …”
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