Plantas medicinais referenciadas por raizeiros no município de Jataí, estado de Goiás
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Reconocimiento y fluctuación poblacional arvense en el cultivo de espinaca (<i>Spinacea oleracea</i> L.) para el municipio de Cota, Cundinamarca
Published 2008-04-01“…Vill. (0,58 y 4,46%) y <i>Chenopodium album </i> L. (0,52 y 2,21%). Los agricultores que siembran espinaca en Cota se clasificaron en 6 grupos utilizando 31 variables y 251 modalidades; se concluyó que la variable más importante es el tipo de control de arvenses durante el ciclo de cultivo, que permite agruparlos en los que realizan control manual y aquellos que realizan control integrado y manual conjuntamente.…”
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Plant viruses in the system of seed potato production
Published 2024-02-01“…We determined that Trifolium pratense typus L., Chenopodium album L., Plantago major L., Barbarea vulgaris W.T. …”
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A century of weed change in New Zealand’s forage seed multiplication industry
Published 2023-06-01“…In 2019, Vulpia bromoides was the most common contaminant in perennial ryegrass seed lots, and Chenopodium album was the most common in white clover seed lots. …”
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Miradas francesas sobre la Guerra Civil
Published 2015-03-01“…De las obras eruditas, de vulgarización —también para la juventud— a las memorias arrancadas al olvido; de las actas de los coloquios a los tebeos; de los álbumes fotográficos a los documentales (siempre pro republicanos). …”
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Impact of Oncological Therapy and Treatment on Cancer-Related Fatigue and Internal Coherence in Nonmetastasized Breast Cancer Patients
Published 2020-05-01“…Introduction: Viscum album L extracts (VA) are frequently used in integrative oncology. …”
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ارزیابی تأثیر بقایای گندم و خاکورزی در روز و شب بر جامعه علفهای هرز و عملکرد دانه ذرت (Zea mays L.) سینگل کراس 704...
Published 2013-04-01“…انجام عملیات خاکورزی شبانه باعث کاهش 67/38 درصد و 22 درصد تراکم نهایی علفهای هرز سلمه تره (Chenopodium album L.) و ارزن دُم روباهی (Setaria spp.) شد. کاربرد سطوح مختلف بقایا نیز تراکم نهایی علف های هرز و وزن خشک علفهای هرز را کاهش داد. …”
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De Barcelona a Buenos Aires (1889-1898): Francisco de Paula Oller, la propaganda carlista y la fundación de El Legitimista Español
Published 2023-01-01“…Además de su incombustible trabajo en el campo periodístico, Oller escribió varios libros, como Combates del corazón (1884), La España Carlista (1885) o los tres tomos del Álbum de personajes carlistas con sus biografías (1887-1890). …”
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Analyzing the Essence of Museum Workmanship Today and in the Future
Published 2023-02-01“…Traditional subjects of presentations for Ukrainian museums are the release of a new art catalog or album, a book by a famous scientist, a new archaeological find, an exhibit transferred to the museum, etc. …”
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Published 2018-07-01“…Based on the parent survey results, we determined the frequency of consumption of certain food groups, portion size (using the display material «Album of Meal and Food Portions»), the chemical composition, and energy value of diets (in the program «The Analysis of Human Nutritional Status»). …”
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Analysis of organic acids of tricarboxylic acid cycle in plants using GC-MS, and system modeling
Published 2017-10-01“…The maximum contents of these acids were found in the leaves of Chenopodium album (CA = 6.42 mg/g dw), Argemone mexicana (SA = 1.27 and FmA = 0.73 mg/g dw), and Rumex dentatus (MA = 18.0 mg/g dw). …”
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Cultura, territorio y memoria (de Nueva Venecia): un análisis del videoclip "Cumbiana" de Carlos Vives y su aplicación didáctica
Published 2022-08-01“…Cumbiana, la canción que le da nombre al álbum discográfico de Carlos Vives lanzado en 2020, muestra en su videoclip, a través de los ojos de una adolescente, la vida en una comunidad lagunar del Caribe colombiano. …”
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Effects of green manure planting mode on the quality of Korla fragrant pears (Pyrus sinkiangensis Yu)
Published 2022-11-01“…In the experiment, four planting modes of green manure had been set for comparison: SA: Leguminosae green manures alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), SP: Poaceae green manures oats (Avena sativa L.), ST: Cruciferae green manures oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), and S: orchard authigenic green manures (Chenopodium album L., Mulgedium tataricum (L) DC., and Phragmites australis (Cav.) …”
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Climate-smart agriculture practices influence weed density and diversity in cereal-based agri-food systems of western Indo-Gangetic plains
Published 2021-08-01“…The most abundant weed species were P. minor > A. arvensis > M. indicus > C. album and were favored by farmers’ practice. However, CSA-based management practices suppressed these species and favored S. nigrum and R. dentatus and the effect of CSAPs was more evident in the long-term. …”
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Weed Composition in Hungarian Phacelia (<i>Phacelia tanacetifolia</i> Benth.) Seed Production: Could Tine Harrow Take over Chemical Management?
Published 2022-04-01“…In both investigations, <i>Chenopodium album</i> was by far the most abundant weed. Within the BS, using a minimal adequate model containing 11 terms with significant net effects, 20.93% of the total variation in weed species data could be explained. …”
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The Effect of Cover Crops on Yield and Weeds Control of Patato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Published 2020-03-01“…The results showed that the cover crops had a significant effect on lambsquarter (<em>Chenopodium album </em>L.), <em>Amaranthus retroflexus </em>L. and total weeds biomass in the main crop (potato) but not on other weeds (including <em>Cirsium arvense </em>L.). …”
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Soil-Mediated Effects on Weed-Crop Competition: Elucidating the Role of Annual and Perennial Intercrop Diversity Legacies
Published 2020-09-01“…Moench × <i>S. sudanese</i> Piper) crop plant and zero to six common lambsquarters (<i>Chenopodium album</i> L.) weed plants in soil from each diversity and cropping system treatment. …”
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Assessment of phytoremediation potential of native plant species naturally growing in a heavy metal-polluted industrial soils
Published 2022-09-01“…Based on the concentration of cadmium the most efficient plants for phytoextraction were Cnicus benedictus, Parthenium hysterophorus, Verbesina encelioides, Conyza canadensis, Xanthium strumarium, Chenopodium album, Amaranthus viridis, Chenopodiastrum murale, Prosopis juliflora, Convolvulus arvensis, Stellaria media, Arenaria serpyllifolia, Cerastium dichotomum, Chrozophora tinctoria, Mirabilis jalapa, Medicago polymorpha, Lathyrus aphaca, Dalbergia sissoo, Melilotus indicus and Anagallis arvensis. …”
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Responses of woody species to spatial and temporal ground water changes in coastal sand dune systems
Published 2011-12-01“…In contrast, the response of <i>Corema album</i>, an endemic understory drought-adapted shrub, seemed to be independent of water availability across seasons and sites. …”
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