Aesthetics in the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead
Published 2011-11-01“…Alfred North Whitehead published no book or article strictly on aesthetics. …”
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The Dynamic Self in Alfred North Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism
Published 2023-06-01Subjects: Get full text
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Konsep Tuhan dan Agama Menurut Alfred North Whitehead
Published 2021-12-01“…This article discusses the concept of God and religion according to Alfred North Whitehead's process philosophy. The main issue is how to describe Whitehead's concept of God and its implications for religious life. …”
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Muhammed İkbal'in Din Felsefesinde Alfred North Whitehead'in Etkisi
Published 2015-11-01Get full text
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Thomas Aquinas and Alfred North Whitehead on God‘s Action in the World
Published 2015-09-01Get full text
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The Basics of Neo-Realist Cosmology: Bertrand Russell against Alfred North Whitehead
Published 2020-10-01Get full text
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Filsafat pendidikan Alfred North Whitehead dalam The Aims of Education and Other Essays
Published 2004Thesis -
Toward A Constructive Postmodern Pluralism on the Perspectives of Alfred North Whitehead and David Ray Griffin
Published 2016-03-01“…Selain itu, pembahasan dalam artikel ini lebih banyak bertumpu pada pemikiran dua tokoh, yakni Alfred North Whitehead, yang diperkenalkan dan dikembangkan oleh Cobb, dan David Ray Griffin. …”
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Konsep Realitas dalamFilsafat Organisme Alfred North Whitehead: The Concept ofReali in Organism Philosophy
Published 2003“…This research is aimed to explore and reveal the importance of understanding the essence of reality based on Alfred North Whitehead's Organism Philosophy for the development of understanding metaphysically the nature of reality. …”
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‘Apart from the Experiences of Subjects There Is Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Bare Nothingness’—Nature and Subjectivity in Alfred North Whitehead
Published 2023-06-01Subjects: “…Alfred North Whitehead…”
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Una metafísica del ser en cuanto creación. Juan David García Bacca lee a Alfred North Whitehead
Published 2017-01-01“…Al considerar el tratamiento que realiza Juan David García Bacca de Process and Reality de Alfred North Whitehead, el articulo busca apreciar la afinidad entre ambos autores en su caracterización de las deficiencias de la ontología clásica y en su invención de conceptos para un nuevo enfoque de la ontología; a saber, una metafísica de la creación y la novedad.…”
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Imaginative Culture and the Enriched Nature of Positive Experience
Published 2022-02-01Subjects: Get full text
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FCJ-225 One Definite Note and the Anarchic Share of Listening
Published 2019-12-01Subjects: Get full text
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