Minerva in Colours: First Results on a Polychrome Roman Sculpture from Carnuntum (Pannonia)
Published 2023-07-01Get full text
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News about four Black-Figure Attic Cups attributed to the Lancastre Painter
Published 2018-09-01“…The study of a black-figure Attic cup belonging to a private Portuguese collection, generically framed in the FP Class (Flower-Palmette), and the identification of a parallel in the Staatliches Lindenau-Museum, in Altenburg, attributed to the same artist, led us to propose – in partnership with another author – a new painter whom we named as Lancastre Painter. …”
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Satire and embodiment: allegorical romance on stage and page in mid-eighteenth-century Britain
Published 2015“…This essay charts the translation of techniques found in Henry Fielding’s satirical allegory in his short stage plays of the 1730s with three allegorical romances of 1736 that take Frederick, Prince of Wales, and his new bride, Princess Augusta of Saxa-Gothe-Altenburg, as the hero and heroine: Celenia and Hyempsal, The Adventures of Prince Titi, and The Adventures of Eovaai. …”
Journal article -
Allegorical romance on stage and page in mid-Eighteenth-Century Britain
Published 2015“…This essay charts the translation of techniques found in Henry Fielding’s satirical allegory in his short stage plays of the 1730s with three allegorical romances of 1736 that take Frederick, Prince of Wales, and his new bride, Princess Augusta of Saxa-Gothe-Altenburg, as the hero and heroine: Celenia and Hyempsal, The Adventures of Prince Titi, and The Adventures of Eovaai. …”
Journal article -
Validating device-based physical activity indicators with observation physical activity indicators in Swiss pre-school children
Published 2023-02-01“…However, accelerometer validation for preschoolers is lacking (Altenburg et al. 2022). Specifically, for the ActiGraph wGT3X-BT and Move 4 (ActiGraph LLC; Move4 activity sensor, movisens GmbH) only a few, respectively no preschooler validation studies, were found. …”
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From Ruins to Living History in a Roman Metropolis on the Danube. The Archaeological Park Carnuntum – European Heritage Label Award
Published 2020-06-01“…Nearly the entire ancient Roman city once spanning 10 square kilometres is still preserved underneath the fields and vineyards of Petronell-Carnuntum and Bad Deutsch-Altenburg. The Federal State of Lower Austria not only set new international scientific standards but it also designed a model in regards to land use planning and archaeological monument conservation how to shape future concepts destined to balance history, spatial planning and economy. …”
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The Metamorphosis of Places in André Malraux’s Les Noyers de l’Altenburgand Romain Gary’s Education européenne
Published 2022-10-01“… This article examines the importance of imaginary spaces and places (literary isotopias) in André Malraux’s Les Noyers de l’Altenburg (1943) and Romain Gary’s Education européenne (1945). …”
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Die Wiedererrichtung der östlichen Bundesländer
Published 1991-01-01“…Die aus raumordnerischer Sicht schwersten Fehler im Zuschnitt der neuen Länder sind: Die Aufteilung des mitteldeutschen Industrie-Reviers auf Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt, die Rückgliederung von Altenburg und Schmölln nach Thüringen und die Grenze zwischen Brandenburg und Sachsen, die die Lausitz auf zwei Länder aufteilt. …”
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Die Wiedererrichtung der östlichen Bundesländer
Published 1991-09-01“…Die aus raumordnerischer Sicht schwersten Fehler im Zuschnitt der neuen Länder sind: Die Aufteilung des mitteldeutschen Industrie-Reviers auf Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt, die Rückgliederung von Altenburg und Schmölln nach Thüringen und die Grenze zwischen Brandenburg und Sachsen, die die Lausitz auf zwei Länder aufteilt. …”
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The Roles of Cardiovascular H2-Histamine Receptors Under Normal and Pathophysiological Conditions
Published 2021-12-01Get full text
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Marine facies differentiation along complex paleotopography: an example from the Middle Miocene (Serravallian) of Lower Austria
Published 2022-12-01“…Abstract In the area of Bad Deutsch-Altenburg (Hainburg Mountains, Lower Austria) a Middle Miocene transgression over Mesozoic basement was explored in the course of the Danube power plant project “Hainburg”. …”
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Water resources planning in the Upper Niger River basin: Are there gaps between water demand and supply?
Published 2019-02-01Get full text
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Causal Network Motifs: Identifying Heterogeneous Spillover Effects in A/B Tests
Published 2022Get full text
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Reflecting on the Margins: Socio-spatial Stigmatisation among Adolescents in a Peripheralised Region
Published 2016-01-01“…Based on the project “Discourse and practices in shrinking regions”, we analyse the subjective relevance of derogative discourses using the example of the district of Altenburger Land (Germany). The article combines three aspects: First, it focuses on how young people’s representations of practices of social differentiation are informed by regionalised discourses about and conditions of shrinkage. …”
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