Moral dilemma: To operate or not to operate
Published 2022-01-01“…But all too often, patients arrive by ambulance alone or families face these moments in crisis, contemplating death or disability in their family member as if for the first time. I go with my gut when deciding whether or not to operate, but always, in the back of my mind, the circumstances stir up doubt. …”
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Before reflexivity comes preflexivity
Published 2023-10-01“…And I try to make something fruitful out of novel ideas that now and then come to my mind, usually those moments when I let my mind wander in silence. …”
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When the man is born the whole world is looking forward to it, and only him is crying, and it should live in a way when he dies the whole world is crying, and only him is looking f...
Published 2016-01-01“…Meeting with others is my immediate responsibility for it. Responsibility for one's neighbour, which is charity, love without lust. …”
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Case study: customers satisfaction towards Mercedes-Benz’s after sales & services / Fazli Shah Simpon
Published 2010Get full text
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Learning From Others About Research Evidence (editorial)
Published 2012-06-01“…After all, it is much more important to choose a design that is suitable to answer the question at hand and provide good quality evidence, rather than trying to use a "good quality" design at the expense of finding relevant evidence. Bearing that in mind, I'm racking my brains to think of how I can use webometrics and techniques from history to investigate my practice. …”
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The gift of pain with transformative possibilities
Published 2018-04-01“…The intention of this article is to offer alternative ways to reflect on pain, life and taking risks to move from health literacy toward health agency with help. I describe my approach to decision making using the hermeneutic wager which provides a means to imagine possibilities while mindfully assessing risk. …”
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Plans, Updates and Musings (Editorial)
Published 2008-06-01“…Feel free to send your requests and suggestions to me at lglynn@mun.ca.<br>If you read my last editorial, you’ll recall my EBP anxiety regarding the construction of the new computer lab in my library. …”
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Transitioning From Who You Were to Who You Must Become
Published 2016-06-01“…During my first year of Medical school, I applied to be on the Committee of Admissions, in which I would help interview new applicants for the School of Medicine. …”
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A brief perspective of foot and ankle leadership over the decades
Published 2020-12-01“…Try to share these ideas with others and find like-minded individuals who want to explore new ideas. …”
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When Evidence Doesn’t Work (Editorial)
Published 2007-12-01“…She said that there was evidence to suggest that this curriculum should work. While I’m always delighted to see the evidence based practice model being used, particularly for the betterment of my kids’education, it is dismaying to see that it is not always applied well. …”
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Mosè Ricci. Habitat 5.0. L’Architettura del lungo presente
Published 2021-02-01“…The book, which is easy to read, invites you to search page after page for an indication, a reasoning on how to consciously deal with the most current issues in architecture; a text that I recommended to my students of design (first year, not surprisingly) that have devoured stealing every concept possible to have a vision “of the long present” for the project but especially to accompany us to a wonderful job, a journey that begins from outside but ends within us «for architecture that tends to interpret it in the built spaces and in those of nature, beauty is in the mind of those who seek it or in the eyes of those who recognize it» and that has the only fault of being discussed and investigated through the disciplinary plot of the academy.…”
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Jacob S. Matubis, MD (1950-2022) “Bye, Jake!”
Published 2022-06-01“…Your cool demeanor will always be remembered and emulated. Bye, Jake! See you again my friend, but hopefully not too soon. …”
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The Political and Social Conflict between Orthodox Christianity (Constantinople and Rome) and Eastern Monophysitism
Published 2015-10-01“…Rushdoony suggested that the Chalcedonian formula made Western liberty possible because the unity and particularity (or individuality) firmly grounded in the triune God freed man from the oppression of the state. In my opinion, however, even the triune God does not always refer to everybody’s liberty, but could degenerate into an instrument protecting the privileged. …”
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Book Review: Das Prachtboot. Wie Deutsche die Kunstschätze der Südsee raubten, by Götz Aly („The Splendid Boat: How Germans Stole the Art Treasures of the South Seas“)
Published 2021-09-01“…From the available data, one can address possible strands of interpretation and weigh the pros and cons of the probability of individual aspects and formulate one’s own assessments; but it must always be kept in mind that things could have been entirely different. …”
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