ON THE TEACHING OF ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS Interview with Rafael Manzano Martos, 2010 Driehaus Prize
Published 2011-10-01“…Among Jury members were Leon Krier, Inaugural Driehaus Prize Laureate; Paul Goldberger, Architecture Critic for The New Yorker; and Adele Chatfield-Taylor, President of the American Academy in Rome.…”
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Etruscan pottery from the Albegna Valley/Ager Cosanus survey
Published 1998-07-01“…The Albegna Valley/Ager Cosanus Survey was directed by Professor Andrea Carandini, now of the University of Rome, La Sapienza, and Professor Elisabeth Fentress, now of the American Academy at Rome. The project is a collaboration between scholars of many institutions in Italy, France and Britain and the first volume of the final report detailing and interpreting the sites located is now in press (Cambi et al, forthcoming). …”
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