Published 2020-12-01
“…Hakuo Takahashi,1 Kanako Saito2 1Department of Cardiology, Biwako Central Hospital, Otsu City, Shiga 520-0834, Japan; 2Department of Technology Development, Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd, Mukou City, Kyoto, JapanCorrespondence: Hakuo TakahashiDepartment of Cardiology, Biwako Central Hospital, 1-21-27, Hieidaira, Otsu City, Shiga 520-0016, JapanTel +81-775290201Fax +81-775020116Email takahash304@gmail.comObjective: The accuracy of the Omron HEM-1040 automated oscillometric upper-arm blood pressure (BP) monitoring device, designed for home self-measurements in adult populations, was tested according to the
American National Standards Institute/Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/International Organization for Standardization (ANSI/AAMI/ISO) 81060– 2:2013 protocol.Methods: The requirements of this protocol were precisely followed with the recruitment of 85 individuals in whom sequential systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) were measured in the same (left) arm and who fulfilled the inclusion criteria involving the ranges of arm circumference, SBP, and DBP.Results: The mean device-observer difference in the 255 separate pairs of BP data was − 2.7 ± 7.14 mmHg for SBP and − 3.3 ± 5.70 mmHg for DBP. …”
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