Utopías y nacionalismo cultural en América Latina. La interpretación de Andrés Sabella a la contribución de Mariátegui, Vallejo y Eguren Utopias and Cultural Nationalism in Latin A...
Published 2012-06-01“…Sabella's interpretation -like Peruvian author's texts- lies within the context of a cultural nationalism construction, as a correlation to the search of a Latin American identity expressing the differences with the USA.…”
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Landscape, imperialism, and individualism in post-war American poetry: opposition and 'the greater romantic lyric'
Published 2017“…Freedom, individualism, and indeed, the landscape itself, terms which are important to the genre’s history, are also central to an American identity that becomes troubling in the period following World War Two. …”
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“New nationalism” and the issue of nations in the interpretation of American social theorists
Published 2020-12-01“…In addition to white racism and its evolution, the article considers the scope of nationalism and patriotism of African-American movements, in particular Black Lives Matter and the results of the study of the dual consciousness of African Americans as combining the concept of nation within a nation and a new, completely American identity. Despite many American theorists idea of the absence of the American nation as such, the authors consider the concept of a new identity of the American nation, which M. …”
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Dressing the Black Body. Mode, Hairstyle und Schwarzsein in den USA – von den 1970er-Jahren bis zu Barack Obama
Published 2017-08-01“…Looking at the Afro hairstyle and hip hop culture, this article explores how African American identity has been reflected through Style Politics. …”
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CARNAVALES EN EL TRÓPICO Y EN EL CARIBE: visiones literarias e identidades continentales
Published 2014-02-01“…Caribe Abstract Article deepens in the literary treatment of the Continental South American identity starting from a typical Carnival of Barranquilla, in the Colombian Caribbean. …”
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Ecocritical Perspectives in Select Novels of Toni Morrison
Published 2018-07-01“…Morrison’s ecocritical work demonstrates her belief in the interconnectedness of nature, religion and African American identity. Without such an understanding, her works seem to tell a disjointed story of disappointment and destruction; and when we read ecocritically, it offers hope for creating a better future.…”
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The Space of the New Ethnic Neighborhood: Polka Festival as Imagined Community
Published 2020-09-01“…Most bring lawn signs, street signs, flags and other public signs of Polish American identity, recreating—this essay argues—the urban ethnic neighborhood of previous immigrant generations. …”
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The emerging social sciences and editorial practice in poetry and the crisis in the early twentieth century
Published 2018“…</p> <p>Finally, Chapter Three explores the poetry and editorial material printed in <em>The Crisis</em> and the ways in which they reflect Du Bois’s attempts to combine strategies from contemporary sociology and anthropology in order to establish the validity and authenticity of African American identity and culture. This chapter draws on analyses of writings by Jessie Fauset, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Georgia Douglas Johnson, Fenton Johnson, and Langston Hughes to demonstrate the ways in which the poetry of black writers was deployed in and actively participated in scientific debates surrounding race in turn-of-the-twentieth-century America.…”
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Neoliberal Metaphors in Presidential Discourse from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump
Published 2019-04-01“…The same period has also been characterized by an increased tendency to tie these economic policies to freedom, a core value of American identity that came to be defined primarily in economic terms. …”
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Parental Acculturation and Children’s Bilingual Abilities: A Study With Chinese American and Mexican American Preschool DLLs
Published 2022-01-01“…Parents of English-dominant children had significantly higher levels of American identity than the parents of children with high ability in both languages. …”
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A new-historicist reading of Raymond Carver's representation of the working class and masculinity
Published 2014“…At first glance, Raymond Carver's short stories appear to be preoccupied with personal themes and inside-family relations rather than larger sociocultural issues; however, a closer examination reveals them to be interconnected with the broader narratives of American identity in the second half of the twentieth century. …”
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The Evil Savage Other as Enemy in Modern U.S. Presidential Discourse
Published 2020-04-01“…In this respect, the American identity is probably the best example of a “self” understood through “otherness.” …”
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Aportes de la Filosofía al análisis de expresiones de nuestra cotidianidad Philosophy Contribution to the Analysis of Expressions of Argentine Daily Life
Published 2008-06-01“…Roig offers theoretic methodological contributions important for the interpretation of Latin American identity expressions. The category we have considered are: a) Anthropological a priori, b) Discourse universe and c) emergent moralities. …”
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A representação do negro na literatura infantil contemporânea brasileira/The representation of African descendants in Brazilian contemporary children's literature
Published 2018-04-01“…The results show the importance of literature in the construction of the African American identity and in the cultural appreciation of these people, besides the formative and educational character of children literature for the exercise of citizenship and respect to diversity. …”
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ENCUENTRO DE LA CULTURA CUBANA: Intelectuais Dissidentes e Revistas Culturais
Published 2014-06-01“…Actually the review Encuentro de la cultura cubana may be included within the list of Cuban reviews that have collaborated since the early decades of the 20th century in the spreading of culture and debate on Cuban, Caribbean and Latin American identity. Keywords: History of Cuba. Cultural reviews. …”
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Historia de las ideas e identidad History of Ideas and Identity
Published 2009-07-01“…Finally, we outline some contributions from the History of ideas to the question of the Latin American identity in the present globalization context.…”
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Lost in the Gutters: Ethnic Imaginings in Adrian Tomine’s Shortcomings
Published 2010-06-01“…At the end of the comic book, the visuals ultimately invite the reader-viewers to experience an unresolved Asian American identity and ask that they feel for Tomine's protagonist, and not jut because of his marginalized status in a racist US mainstream. …”
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The Rhetoric of “Whataboutism” in American Journalism and Political Identity
Published 2020-07-01“…How “whataboutism” is deployed in political discourse and then grappled with or normalized by journalists is emblematic of trends in American journalistic discourse after the election results of 2016, and the term’s newfound prevalence is illustrative of the degree to which American identities have become politically tribalized.…”
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Invisibility of Asians, Asian Americans, and Buddhist roots in Western psychology
Published 2022-09-01“…However, among the criticism of cultural appropriateness, not many have examined this issue through the lens of Asian and Asian American identities and the religious oppression they suffered. …”
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