Micropropagation of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) kuntze) using temporary immersion system
Published 2012“…Finally the genetic fidelity of the micropropaged tea plants wasssessed using ISSR (Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats). The amplified ISSR locus from 11 markers showed 100% similarity between micropropagated plants (derived in the third subculture of by TIS) and 10 randomly selected acclimatized plantlets with their mother plant DNA of tea clone Iran 100. …”
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Genetic studies on physiological traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under normal and water stress conditions
Published 2013“…A total of 41 SSR primer pairs were used to screen the parents; five polymorphic primer pairs were identified which showed polymorphisms between parents, and three of them strongly amplified polymorphic bands among the F2 population. …”
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Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in seven cattle breeds in Malaysia
Published 2012“…The D-loop, cyt b and two ND5 regions were amplified using specific primers. These regions were digested with nine, five and two restriction endonucleases (RE),respectively, generating 16 polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) loci. …”
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Creation of potential gene cassette for recombinant protein expression in green microalgal system
Published 2014“…To develop a proprietary series of microalgae specific expression vectors, nine fragments containing the Gateway recombination cassette, optimized genes of interest (2), promoters (2), 5’- UTR, interon, 3’-UTR (2), MARs (2) and pUC18 backbone were amplified using the most high fidelity enzyme available (KAPA). …”
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Improvement of Pasteurella multocida serotype B:2 draft genome sequence and analysis of its genome structure and function
Published 2013“…The predicted total length of the remaining unresolved gap was about 215 k bp, which is impossible to amplify in PCR assay even by using pfu polymerase that specialize in long range PCR. …”
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Isolation and enzymatic studies of dye-degrading white-rot fungus
Published 2013“…The internal transcribe spacer region of the isolated DNA was amplified by PCR using the primers recognized as, primer ITS 1F and ITS 4. …”
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Morphological, molecular characterization and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum SPP. isolated from legume crops in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2013“…Species specificity of the primers was confirmed by successful detection of Colletotrichum spp. from infected legume plants, and the absence of DNA amplified products from other Colletotrichum species and divergent genus of the fungi. …”
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Elucidating pathogenic determinants in stenotrophomonas maltophilia pathogenesis
Published 2014“…Clinical isolates of S. maltophilia induced an amplified level of activation within macrophages which triggered immune response compared to environmental strains, as revealed by increased nitric oxide production and CD40 expression. …”
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Determination Of The Risk Factors And Injury Probability For Small Car Crashes In Klang Valley, Malaysia
Published 2007“…The study of risk factors and developing a prediction model on small car crashes were needed to address several matters such as: a) tremendous increase of registered motorcars which amplifying the rates of motorcar crashes; b) a need for understanding a small car crash patterns in order to reduce the severity of its occupants and highway looses; c) currently, different countries have different policies in categorizing the small car for example by fuel, engine capacity and weight, thus there is a need for a point of reference of small car specification and categories especially that small cars reveal as the highest number of cars travelling on the road in this country. …”
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Microsatellite Development And Cross Species Amplification For Characterization Of Hatchery- Bred Probarbus Jullieni
Published 2009“…In this study ten new microsatellite loci were isolated from P. jullieni using a Random Amplified Microsatellites (RAMs) based technique. Five out of ten were polymorphic when tested on P. jullieni’s individuals. …”
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Changes in microbial and physicochemical properties during free-cell and encapsulated probiotic fermentation of red dragon fruit juice
Published 2014“…Bacteria were isolated on MRS agar and the species of the isolates was identified using biochemical tests, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR, 16S rDNA sequencing, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). …”
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Genetic analysis and qtl mapping of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens stål.) biotypes 2 and 3 resistance in rice
Published 2015“…One hundred and ten SSR primer pairs related to BPH resistance gene (Bph genes) distributed over 12 chromosomes of the rice genome were chosen and used to amplify SSR markers, and to analyse their potential association with Bph resistance. …”
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Development of an Anchoring System for Protein Display on the Cell Wall Surface of Lactococcus Lactis Mg1363
Published 2006“…In this study the gene coding for the cell wall binding domain of L. lactis cell wall anchor proteins AcmA and NisP were amplified by PCR and cloned into an E. coli expression vector. …”
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Molecular Markers and Their Applications in the Construction of Genetic Linkage Maps and Analysis of Monogenic and Quantitative Traits in Oil Palm
Published 2005“…As such, the primary aim of this project was to map the oil palm genome by using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite (SSR) markers, in order to provide markers for selection in the breeding programme. …”
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Dna markers and mapping of quantitative trait loci for yield and bunch quality in Deli dura X Yangambi pisifera oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) population
Published 2015“…The DNA markers employed for genotype data were microsatellites (SSR), Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) and Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) markers. …”
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Development Of An Immunocontraceptive Vaccine For Biocontrol Of Rats
Published 2004“…DNA vaccination is therefore an excellent alternative. ZP3 cDNA was amplified from R. rattus diardii ovary as a first step towards the development of ZP3-based DNA vaccine. …”
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Molecular Characterisation And Pathogenicity Of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolated In Iran
Published 2004“…The hypervariable region of VP2 gene were amplified and sequenced. The phylogenetic tree was constructed based on aligned sequences of the Iranian isolates and published IBDV strains. …”
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Development Of An Avirulent Pasteurella Multocida B:2 By Disruption Of The Aba392 Dna Fragment
Published 2008“…PCR performed towards the approximately 6kb DNA fragment produced an 803bp band which was confirmed to be the ABA392 virulence gene. The amplified PCR product was cloned and sequenced. Nucleotide sequences obtained were 98% identical to the reference strain, the 921bp ABA392 virulence gene. …”
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Development Of A Real-Time Pcr Assay For Diagnosis Of Brucella Melitensis Infection In Sheep
Published 2008“…The specificity of the PCR products amplified by the primers from Malysian strains of B. melitensis were confirmed by sequence analysis. …”
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Molecular Characteristics and Pathogemcity Of The Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolated In Malaysia
Published 2006“…The IBDV was detected in lymphoid cells of bursa of Fabricius using immunoperoxidase staining (IPS).The hypervariable region of VP2 gene of UPM0311 and UPM03292 was amplified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). …”
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