Cephalosporins inhibit human metallo β-lactamase fold DNA repair nucleases SNM1A and SNM1B/apollo
Published 2016Journal article -
The structures of the SNM1A and SNM1B/Apollo nuclease domains reveal a potential basis for their distinct DNA processing activities
Published 2015“…The human SNM1A and SNM1B/Apollo proteins are members of an extended family of eukaryotic nuclease containing a motif related to the prokaryotic metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) fold. …”
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The practice of writing inside an Egyptian monastic settlement: preliminary material characterisation of the inks used on Coptic manuscripts from the Monastery of Apa Apollo at Bawit
Published 2021“…The manuscripts come from the Monastery of Apa Apollo at Bawit, one of the largest monastic settlements in Egypt between the Late Antiquity and the Early Islamic Period (sixth–eighth centuries CE). …”
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Unsupervised machine learning with petrological database ApolloBasaltDB reveals complexity in lunar basalt major element oxide and mineral distribution patterns
Published 2020“…The data are sourced from a newly developed, self-contained database of lunar basalt characteristics (ApolloBasaltDB), which includes major element oxides, mineral modes, ages, and textures for petrological and statistical modeling. …”
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La collina settentrionale e il cd. Santuario di Apollo di Alesa. Le ricerche delle Università di Messina e di Oxford negli anni 2017-2021
Published 2023“…Il contributo presenta i risultati degli scavi che la Missione delle Università di Messina e di Oxford conduce dal 2017 sulla collina settentrionale, nell’area sacra probabilmente identificabile con il Santuario di Apollo. Gli scavi stanno riportando alla luce un complesso formato da tre edifici allineati, che si innalzano su una grande piattaforma rettangolare alta 3,45 m; almeno l’edificio centrale, di dimensioni maggiori, va identificato con un tempio. …”
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Council 21st anniversary dinner
Published 1975“…A handwritten note on the back identifies the occasion as 'Council 21st anniversary dinner, Cunard Hotel, 30th May 1975'. Photograph by Apollo Photographers Ltd, copyright Apollo Photographers.…”
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Portrait of three men
Published 1975“…Mounted in a 'Cunard International Hotel' card folder. Photograph by Apollo Photographers Ltd, copyright Apollo Photographers.…”
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Finding Bugs In Dynamic Web Applications
Published 2008“…Apollo generatestest inputs for the web application, monitors the application forcrashes, and validates that the output conforms to the HTMLspecification. …”
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Finding Bugs in Web Applications Using Dynamic Test Generation and Explicit State Model Checking
Published 2009“…This paper presents Apollo's algorithms and implementation, and an experimental evaluation that revealed 302 faults in 6 PHP web applications.…”
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Metal impact and vaporization on the Moon's surface: nano‐geochemical insights into the source of lunar metals
Published 2024“…The metals measured here from the Apollo 16 regolith possess low Ni (2–6 wt%) and elevated Ge (80–350 ppm) suggesting a meteoritic origin. …”
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The Influence of Variable Oxygen Fugacity on the Source Depths for Lunar High-Titanium Ultramafic Glasses
Published 2022“…The investigated compositions are the Apollo 17 Orange glass (A17O, 9.1 wt.% TiO₂), Apollo 15 Red glass (A15R, 13.8 wt.% TiO₂), and Apollo 14 Black glass (A14B, 16.4 wt.% TiO₂). …”
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