La Imaginación en Avempace
Published 2013-11-01“…Aristotle's first commenter, followed by Averroes, Avempace with the Arab Muslim tradition, performs an important role in the issue of human imagination, distinguishing three levels, which are: 1) Epistemological: imagination as a mediative role between external as well as the intemal senses and reason, between material and spiritual, the individual and the general; 2) As life's motor: sponsor of “movable” ideal life which, assisted by reason, tends to improve and engender the desire and passion of reaching the mentioned ideal, but over and done with; 3) Moral and social dimensions: are also divided in three forms of life depending on the spiritual degree and, because of the pleasure they offer, they become attractive to each individual, turning out to be decisive in their way of life: a) Corporal forms, b) Spiritual forms and, finally, c) Second degree spiritual forms, these last ones enclose the supreme objective: the immaterial intelligibles' contemplation and the mystical union with the Agent Intellect, accomplishing, in consequence, an intellectual mysticism,…”
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La ciencia del alma en IBN Bayya (Avempace)
Published 2007-01-01“…The purpose of this work is the interpretation of the most important aspect of Ibn Bayya (Avempace)'s philosophy, reading his Kitab al-nafs, the first commentary of the aristotelian work in Occident, De anima. …”
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Avempace en el De anima de Alberto Magno
Published 2013-11-01“…The proposal about human being's supreme objective offered by Avempace –philosopher and Aristotelian commentator–, consists on the absolute union of both: the subject's intellect-soul and the agent intellect, the latter characterized by being one, separated, eternal, in addition that in itself contains the universal spiritual forms of all things. …”
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Bιβλιοκρισία:Well Begun is Only Half Done: Tracing Aristotle's Political Ideas in Medieval Arabic, Syriac, Byzantine, and Jewish Sources, ed. by V. SYROS [Medieval and Renaissance...
Published 2015-05-01Subjects: “…Aριστοτελης, Αl- Farabi, Averroes, Avempace, θεμίστιος, Ιουλιανός, Θεόδωρος Β΄ Λάσκαρις, Avicenna, Isaac Abravanel…”
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Ibn Bajjah's philosophical heritage
Published 2012-09-01“…He is the first Muslim philosopher in the West, we meet with a different approach to Plato and his political philosophy. For Avempace, to give him the name by which he was known to the Scholastics and modern students of philosophy.…”
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Corrientes Del Pensamiento En Al-Andalús
Published 2007-01-01“…As relações entre essas tendências foram por vezes conflituosas; mas também foram positivas no caso de pensadores que procuraram harmonizar a filosofia e o sufismo (Avempace e Ibn Tufail) ou a filosofia e a teologia racional (Averróis e Maimônides)…”
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The Ship in the Cave: The Greek and Nautical Origin of Buddhist Architecture
Published 2020-01-01Get full text
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La filosofía andalusí frente al sufismo
Published 1996-06-01“…Frente al reto del sufismo a la filosofía, sistematizado por Algazel, en cuanto al modo de conseguir el conocimiento y la felicidad del hombre, reaccionan los filósofos andalusíes de diferente modo: Avempace niega totalmente las pretensiones de los sufíes y hace de la filosofía el único medio capaz de dar cumplida satisfacción a todas las potencialidades humanas. …”
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Styles of Life in Non-Excellent Cities: A philosophical Approach to a Problematic Cultural Situation
Published 2014-03-01“…Avicenna, recommends virtues men to build their cities in the periphery of the non-excellent city, far away from the center. Against him, Avempace's theory focuses on the idea that virtues men’s happiness should be realized in non-excellent cities. …”
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Endülüs’ün Büyük Filozofu İbn Bâcce
Published 2020-06-01“…Yaptığı Aristo yorumları nedeniyle Latincede Avenpace ve Avempace olarak bilinir. Tıp, felsefe, edebiyat, astronomi, matematik, tabiat ilimleri ve musiki alanında ciddi bir eğitimi olan İbn Bâcce, aynı zamanda hafız olup, İslami disiplinlerde uzmandır. …”
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Mollusca from a species-rich deep-water Leptometra community in the Alboran Sea
Published 2014-12-01“…An exceptional species richness for Mollusca was found on Avempace bank (349-365 m), Djibouti group, Alboran Sea, where the most abundant species was the crinoid Leptometra phalangium. …”
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